Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It's alive!

...another Studebaker about to be put off the market for being too fast...
"...The ant is a paralell processing machine..."

The Coming Age of Systems and Machines Inspired by Living Things

by Robert Frenay 2006
Chapter 8

The ability to make conscious choices is our great gift. Choice can also be a burden, though — one grown larger now that potent new technologies are being unleashed all around us, and unprecedented change has become a constant. The fact that machine age logic, which has brought us so far, has no clear vision for the future...

...In the 1930s drought returned to the prairie as it had periodically through history. But this time it found something new. The land’s surface had been scored with rows of cuts that spread across vast areas of the landscape. Those furrows disconnected the anchoring network of underground root structures provided by native plants. Instead, the furrows made the way for food crops that were harvested each year and that leave no lasting roots in the soil. Some farmers were by then also using synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. These upset the metabolic balance among native plants and the uncounted millions of other life forms underground — from visible to microscopic — which give rise to the soil’s richness and spongy, absorbent character. When the winds came, it all blew away.
In the Midwest, and elsewhere, the topsoil needed to grow our food continues to disappear faster than natural processes replace it. In response to that Wes Jackson founded the

Land Institute

almost three decades ago.
His aim was to breed an interacting ecology of food plants. Those crops would protect themselves from pests and fertilize the soil in the same way that plants in nature do. And they would grow from the kind of permanent root structures found in natural prairies. The eventual result of that effort would be the development of a “natural systems agriculture.”


The institute began by acknowledging the reality of what Jackson calls “the ecological mosaic.”...
Unicorp "incarceration business" "Department of Justice"
US prison empire
by Reverend Damuzi 4/19/1
Marijuana smokers are filling jails with cheap labour for corporate profit. The United States has a new form of slavery...
Mohamed Atta’s Best Friend Caught in South Pacific:
“You can’t arrest me, I’m working for the CIA.”
by Sander Hicks
...This might be the closest anyone has come to “proof” that Mohamed Atta had connections to the CIA...
"...Mohamed Atta" "connections to the CIA..."
The Puzzle of the Enron Coverups
by Ron Callari 2/21/2
Iraq Study Group report: It was always all about the oil
by Tom Hayden

Sunday, December 17, 2006

beautiful country, beautiful world

Wake up, Pittsburgh; the world needs us.

We in this city have a job to do, and if we don't do it it won't get done.

We have so many advantages; think how unique we are. Many places have educated residents, familiar with the latest technologies. Many have citizens ready and able to work. Many are relatively stable environmentally. Many have research facilities to come up with products for the market. Many locations on the planet have citizens who want to earn a living working for the common good - true productivity. And many communities in the world have the wherewithal to invest in some kind of a planned future - rather than being forced to do whatever is necessary to get by from day to day. But how many places do you know of that have all of these advantages?

To assure ourselves a peaceful, comfortable future, let's assess what we can do to make the world more peaceful and sustainable.

Yes, the world is dangerous. The changing climate is causing droughts, flooding, sea level rise, damaging wind, and power outages. And we do have enemies everywhere, including in the United States.
We each are enemies of ourselves to a certain extent also. We're not innocent children any more. We each have taken our turn at being our own unique mix of rotten - greedy, thoughtless, violent, underhanded, unfair, dirty, uncaring. And we each have played our part in making the world the difficult place it is. We can blame others, but the finger returns to us as part of the mess all humanity is in. The great chain of cause and effect connects everyone - from the first human beings to those born just a minute ago. We have done the most wonderful and the most terrible things to each other. We need to forgive each other and ourselves, and get on with leading productive lives. And we need each other, not just for a functioning world economy but for an ecosystem that is stable and can sustainably provide us with good food, clean water and air. That takes community. So, let's just drop the false veil of pretending we're better or worse than any other country or people. Only by being awake can we see what the world needs so that we can produce for it.

The planet needs biodiversity. One study recently concluded that climate change alone will result in the loss of one quarter of the Earth's species by the middle of this century. We Pittsburghers can produce microbes, plants, and animals to replenish the loss of valuable - endangered and locally extinct - species. It would take a whole article just to name them. For production here, to provide people all over the world with to re-establish biodiversity in faltering ecosystems, some of my favorites: microbes to break down pollutants (a huge category, with many varieties being discovered and engineered); earthworms; heirloom food and herb plant varieties.

As a community investment we can make money servicing the earthwide need to transition from fossil fuels. We can put people to work with: increasing efficiency of energy production, distribution, and use; solar; geothermal; distributed micropower; wind; and biofuels. My personal interest is with those renewable fuels that are able to be made with the help of microbes. We can profit not just by making the equipment for ourselves, but by the applied research to design for manufacture, and the expertise to put them to work all over the world.

Surfing the crescendo of change that is enveloping us - rather than being drowned by it - requires thinking outside all the boxes. Because of the refusal of the American citizenry to swallow unthinkingly whatever we are told by some elite, we have a functioning democracy and a justified reputation for creative invention. Let's put it to work.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Revolution is Life
From the Royal Society of Chemistry:
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change:
Progress report 11/3/5
United Nations Environment Programme, Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
...the complexity of the linkages between ozone depletion, UV-B radiation and climate change has become more apparent...

...With global climate change, temperatures in the Arctic stratosphere are expected to continue to decrease, increasing the likelihood of severe ozone depletion on the surfaces of polar stratospheric clouds. For every degree of stratospheric cooling, a reduction in ozone of 15 Dobson Units can be expected.4 This sensitivity is three times larger than had been estimated previously from model calculations, making future polar ozone depletion more susceptible to climate change...

International measures to control ozone depleting substances are working and the beginning of ozone recovery is no longer controversial...

The effects of climate change on ozone depletion may be most pronounced - yet least understood - at high latitudes...Ozone heats the stratosphere by absorbing incoming solar energy and outgoing infrared from the surface of the earth. A significant component of the observed stratospheric cooling (-0.17 °C decade-1) can be attributed to ozone depletion, rather than being solely a radiative effect of climate change...

The incidence rates of sunlight-induced skin cancer continue to rise rapidly in light-skinned populations...

Biodiversity may be altered by UV-B radiation even though total community production and biomass are not necessarily affected...

The interplay between UV radiation and periodic drought conditions...
====== biotech
...Some countries create sabotage in order to secure the condemnation or censuring of others...
- Subcomandante Marcos
Tresspass Against Us: Dow Chemical and the Toxic Industry
by Jack Doyle
International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal
====== are a sucker....
...corporations with little or no conscience build their bottom lines...
...despite almost universal belief to the contrary, our lives are getting much shorter...
Leetso, the Powerful Yellow Monster:
A Navajo Cultural Interpretation of Uranium Mining
by Esther Yazzie-Lewis and Jim Zion
... In Navajo thought, coercion is evil. We use solidarity with others and consent within the group to fight it. We use prayer and good thought to overcome coercion, which is a form of witchcraft. Put another way, we must reinforce the thought and morality of a strong international community to gain the political force necessary to counterbalance the international nuclear industry...
The Fourth World War [film]
We Are Everywhere
the irresistable rise of global anticapitalism
Black Veterans for Social Justice