Saturday, April 07, 2007

blue and green beauty

From Earth Institute:
New Study Shows Climate Change Likely to Lead to Periods of Extreme Drought in Southwest North America
...the levels of aridity of the recent multiyear drought, or the Dust Bowl and 1950s droughts, will, within the coming years to decades, become the new climatology of the American Southwest...
Projections of anthropogenic, or man-made, climate change conducted by 19 different climate modeling groups around the world, using different climate models, show widespread agreement that Southwestern North America—and the subtropics in general—are heading toward a climate even more arid than now. The models show that human-induced aridification becomes marked early in the current century. In the Southwest the levels of aridity seen in the 1950s multiyear drought, or the 1930s Dust Bowl, become the new climatology by mid-century: a perpetual drought...
...“...not only causes water shortage through early snow melt, which leads to significant water shortage in the summer over the Southwest, but it also aggregates the problem by reducing precipitation,"...
...other land regions to be hit hard by subtropical drying include southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East as well as parts of South America...
Sustainable South Bronx: Greening an Industry


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