Saturday, August 04, 2007

It's global wOrming, not global wArming.

Visualize global worming:

update /5/14/7
Ebola-like Virus Killing Great Lakes Fish

by Linda Moulton Howe
"It is a major fish health crisis now in Wisconsin."
~Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources
"VHS is catastrophic certainly within the context of the Great Lakes ecosystem and the fishery resources. As a fish health problem, it is in fact catastrophic."
~Jim Winton, Ph.D., USGS Fish Health
National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences
common thread in these cases are bribes, kickbacks, procurement fraud, lying to the government, cheating the public, espionage, abusing their employees, proving that they are not trust worthy...Yet, even with absolute proof of their criminal conduct, convictions of criminal conduct, admission of criminal conduct, and guilty pleas of criminal conduct they are still given billions of dollars of contracts (which they have a history of not being able to deliver)...
Near Death Experience Research Foundation
After Death Communication Research Foundation
Out of Body Experience Research Foundation
Rising Surface Ozone Reduces Plant Growth & Adds to Global Warming
...could have major implications for food production and global warming ...
...increasing ozone near the Earth’s surface could lead to significant reductions in regional plant production and crop yields. Surface ozone also damages plants, affecting their ability to soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and accelerating global warming...
potentially increased warming with elevated levels of surface ozone likely to suppress plant growth. ”Plants and soil are currently slowing–down global warming by storing about a quarter of human carbon dioxide emissions, but the new study suggests that this could be undermined by further increases in near-surface ozone. As a result more carbon dioxide would accumulate in the atmosphere and add to global warming... “...ozone effects on plants could double the importance of ozone increases in the lower atmosphere as a driver of climate change, so policies to limit increases in near-surface ozone must be seen as an even higher priority."
Institute of Science in Society:

Terminator insects give wings to genome invaders

The United States Department of Agriculture has approved field release of GM pink bollworm this summer, which are made with a mobile genetic element that can jump many species...
Philanthropy Gates Style
...Investments in oil companies outstrip grants that counteract problems caused by the companies...
Bacteria greatly accelerate evolution by enabling “horizontal gene transfer” between species
...Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a cross-species form of genetic transfer. It occurs when the DNA from one species is introduced into another. The idea was ridiculed when first proposed more than 50 years ago, but the advent of drug-resistant bacteria and subsequent discoveries, including the identification of a specialized protein that bacteria use to swap genes, has led to wide acceptance in recent years.
"...the majority of DNA in the genomes of some animal and plant species – including humans, mice, wheat and corn – came from HGT insertions,"...
...increases the rate of evolution by propagating favorable mutations across populations.
...importance of horizontal gene swap whole sets of genetic code – like the genes that allow bacteria to defeat antibiotics...
Source: Rice University
Child Rights and You
Julia Butterfly
What if you woke up one morning and realized you were living the wrong life?
by Bruce Grierson 2007,%20A%20book%20by%20Bruce%20Grierson/Excerpt.html
...Julia Hill, an ambitious young businesswoman and part-time model...owner of her own bustling little restaurant, was making a lot of money as a consultant to the bar industry. Julia Hill’s thoughts were pretty much concerned with how things were going for Julia Hill—and the sky appeared to be the limit. Then one day as she was driving to work her Honda hatchback was rear-ended by a Ford Bronco. The crash totaled her car and sent her to the hospital with near-fatal injures that would take the better part of a year to mend.
The flat-on-her-back convalescence enforced a level of introspection...“I almost felt like an invisible person was grabbing my arm, my heart, and pulling me toward the front.”
She walked up to the microphone and set down her backpack. She said something that seemed utterly fitting for a young person in the middle of a California forest. “It’s great that there’s so much joy here. But while people are having fun at this rally, there are trees out there dying, falling to the ground, and it’s killing me.”.... A warm body was needed to occupy a tree—a 1,000-year-old forked redwood named Luna that had been marked for Pacific Lumber’s saws...on a platform 18 storeys off the ground.
Hill was told she would have to stay up there for five days: could she handle it? She said she could. The endeavor felt right at some pretty basic levels, “like the answer to a question I didn’t even know I was asking.”
The other activists soon rotated out of the tree sit. But Julia Hill stayed. And stayed.
Hill stayed in the canopy of Luna for 738 days. She stayed through two seasons of lashing winter storms, provisioned sporadically by activists on the ground—when they could penetrate the lumber company’s security perimeter. When she came down, she was a radical environmentalist and unwitting celebrity. (In the end, her efforts were something of a pyrric victory: the forest around was decimated but Luna still stands, and Pacific Lumber signed an agreement promising that she always will. Hill now works for an environmental consultancy called the Circle of Life Foundation.)


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