May we call for a change of government?
Ah, gee, I dunno, man. Maybe we oughta just go with the flow, ya know, roll with the money...whatever...
Unimaginable Intentional Human Suffering
by Peter Chamberlin 1/27/8 disasters caused by ambitious men who are allowed to rise to the top, where they dominate us for self-gain. We allow...instead of actually choosing who shall lead us...we tend to follow the natural order of things along the path of least resistance. By taking the easy way out, we give our blessing to the law of the jungle...elitist thinkers believe that it is necessary for our government to “cull” the “useless eaters” from the face of the earth, through forced population reduction and perpetual kill-off a significant portion of the earth’s “dead weight,”... terrorizing others into submission with our killing power and basic lack of abomination upon the American spirit, equal to the abomination in which this spirit was founded, when we wiped-out the first Americans...evils which we have learned to accept...Ideas cannot fight against raw power, unless they become a shared idea...We have to make our countrymen see the reality beyond the illusions...The people of the United States must...understand that...genocide is government policy...the world’s number one source of state terrorism, the government of the United States of America. The American people can only save themselves if they are made aware of the fact that they are under attack by those who claim to be their trusted leaders...The people of every nation must rise-up and become their own governments, the only truly democratic government...
...roots of corruption that support all that is hostile to human life... inner workings of our criminal government...research on the roots of the Islamic Militant Network and its CIA origins has blown the lid off the most important story of the Twenty-first Century. ...
The case proving government complicity in the 9/11 attacks which initiated the war on terrorism is becoming stronger every day. In addition to all the forensic evidence from the attacks and the unbelievable string of “coincidences” that made the attacks possible, we now know that Islamist terrorists, “associated with al Qaida” have been key elements of US foreign policy up until, and including, the time of the Trade Center attack. We have begun to understand the depth of US/CIA involvement in the destabilizing of a dozen or more countries with these highly-trained Islamic “insurgencies.” This criminal foreign policy of creating radical Islamic militias for the purpose of starting wars in nations now at peace creates ever-expanding bands of Islamic uprisings throughout the Middle East and southeast Asia, justifying genocidal counter-attacks as “fighting terrorism.”
...Israel created Hamas and the US and Israel created al Qaida.
...Palestinians, like Americans and all other targeted populations must follow the scripts that have been written for them and rise-up in defiant acts of self-defense, so that all the complainers can be bombed into bloody submission...
The scale of the intentional suffering being inflicted by supposedly moral human beings, who consider themselves superior to their victims, is unimaginable. What is even more unimaginable is the international spectacle of other supposedly moral nations fawning over the killers, each nation trying harder than the next to suck-up to those who are starving helpless children, depriving them of medicine, and mowing them down with cannon and machine gun fire, in order to wipe them from their land and erase them from the “pages of time.” The international horror shows of “diplomacy” and “humanitarianism” are shams, meant to seduce the masses into reveling in the bloodlust that is scheduled to head in their direction. “Negotiations” with pseudo-humanitarians like Bush, Olmert and Cheney can be nothing more than discussing terms of surrender. One day soon, the entire earth will rise-up against this axis of evil. Our actions today will determine if the people of America stand with the rest of the world against our own government, or if we will continue in our surrender to the beasts of the modern jungle, who intend to devour everything we hold dear.
The earth is standing at the edge of a dark precipice; on the other side is the greatest epic in mankind’s history, waiting to be written, waiting for those of us who dare to...fight the darkness of the dedicated to defending life as the enemies of life are dedicated to ending it...a new sustaining vision of life. We must first choose to place our own freedom in jeopardy, by stepping forward to stop those who would take us into the void in a vain gamble to crush most of the earth’s life for the sake of greater “profit.”...
None dare call it treason
by Justin Raimondo 1/28/8
...our nuclear secrets are being stolen and sold to the highest bidder with the active collaboration of high U.S. government officials...
The American Conservative
...FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets.
by Philip Giraldi
Most Americans have never heard of Sibel Edmonds, and if the U.S. government has its way, they never will...corruption at Washington’s highest levels...shielding of terrorist suspects...
Ah, gee, I dunno, man. Maybe we oughta just go with the flow, ya know, roll with the money...whatever...
Unimaginable Intentional Human Suffering
by Peter Chamberlin 1/27/8 disasters caused by ambitious men who are allowed to rise to the top, where they dominate us for self-gain. We allow...instead of actually choosing who shall lead us...we tend to follow the natural order of things along the path of least resistance. By taking the easy way out, we give our blessing to the law of the jungle...elitist thinkers believe that it is necessary for our government to “cull” the “useless eaters” from the face of the earth, through forced population reduction and perpetual kill-off a significant portion of the earth’s “dead weight,”... terrorizing others into submission with our killing power and basic lack of abomination upon the American spirit, equal to the abomination in which this spirit was founded, when we wiped-out the first Americans...evils which we have learned to accept...Ideas cannot fight against raw power, unless they become a shared idea...We have to make our countrymen see the reality beyond the illusions...The people of the United States must...understand that...genocide is government policy...the world’s number one source of state terrorism, the government of the United States of America. The American people can only save themselves if they are made aware of the fact that they are under attack by those who claim to be their trusted leaders...The people of every nation must rise-up and become their own governments, the only truly democratic government...
...roots of corruption that support all that is hostile to human life... inner workings of our criminal government...research on the roots of the Islamic Militant Network and its CIA origins has blown the lid off the most important story of the Twenty-first Century. ...
The case proving government complicity in the 9/11 attacks which initiated the war on terrorism is becoming stronger every day. In addition to all the forensic evidence from the attacks and the unbelievable string of “coincidences” that made the attacks possible, we now know that Islamist terrorists, “associated with al Qaida” have been key elements of US foreign policy up until, and including, the time of the Trade Center attack. We have begun to understand the depth of US/CIA involvement in the destabilizing of a dozen or more countries with these highly-trained Islamic “insurgencies.” This criminal foreign policy of creating radical Islamic militias for the purpose of starting wars in nations now at peace creates ever-expanding bands of Islamic uprisings throughout the Middle East and southeast Asia, justifying genocidal counter-attacks as “fighting terrorism.”
...Israel created Hamas and the US and Israel created al Qaida.
...Palestinians, like Americans and all other targeted populations must follow the scripts that have been written for them and rise-up in defiant acts of self-defense, so that all the complainers can be bombed into bloody submission...
The scale of the intentional suffering being inflicted by supposedly moral human beings, who consider themselves superior to their victims, is unimaginable. What is even more unimaginable is the international spectacle of other supposedly moral nations fawning over the killers, each nation trying harder than the next to suck-up to those who are starving helpless children, depriving them of medicine, and mowing them down with cannon and machine gun fire, in order to wipe them from their land and erase them from the “pages of time.” The international horror shows of “diplomacy” and “humanitarianism” are shams, meant to seduce the masses into reveling in the bloodlust that is scheduled to head in their direction. “Negotiations” with pseudo-humanitarians like Bush, Olmert and Cheney can be nothing more than discussing terms of surrender. One day soon, the entire earth will rise-up against this axis of evil. Our actions today will determine if the people of America stand with the rest of the world against our own government, or if we will continue in our surrender to the beasts of the modern jungle, who intend to devour everything we hold dear.
The earth is standing at the edge of a dark precipice; on the other side is the greatest epic in mankind’s history, waiting to be written, waiting for those of us who dare to...fight the darkness of the dedicated to defending life as the enemies of life are dedicated to ending it...a new sustaining vision of life. We must first choose to place our own freedom in jeopardy, by stepping forward to stop those who would take us into the void in a vain gamble to crush most of the earth’s life for the sake of greater “profit.”...
None dare call it treason
by Justin Raimondo 1/28/8
...our nuclear secrets are being stolen and sold to the highest bidder with the active collaboration of high U.S. government officials...
The American Conservative
...FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets.
by Philip Giraldi
Most Americans have never heard of Sibel Edmonds, and if the U.S. government has its way, they never will...corruption at Washington’s highest levels...shielding of terrorist suspects...
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