Monday, September 22, 2008

The cat's out of the bag

This is the real t'ing, mahn. The real deal is that we been did
our own government, our own greed, our own arrogance, our own blind brutality. It's been this way since we tried to kill off all the Indians.
The Great Conspiracy
The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw
[taped summer of 2004]
...ill-founded fear...we better be sure the threat is real...what if the conspiracy were hatched not in a cave in Afghanistan, but in Washington D.C. at the highest levels of the U.S. government? What if the public found out the official story is a big lie? How might that change plans for endless war? There are other paths to true security and lasting peace. The first step on those paths is to expose the official 9/11 story for what it is - a contrived fiction - and then to demand a true accounting of what happened on 9/11, and who was behind the events of that day...Expenditures mount into the trillions. The so-called war on terrorism justifies...deaths of U.S. soldiers and civilians in Iraq and elsewhere...the little-publicized construction of giant U.S. military bases overseas...All this because the official authorized truth is that foreign terrorists attacked the USA on 9/11...
Stop the Insanity Here
by Robert Jensen 9/12/1
... this act was no more despicable as the massive acts of terrorism -- the deliberate killing of civilians for political purposes -- that the U.S. government has committed during my lifetime. For more than five decades throughout the Third World, the United States has deliberately targeted civilians or engaged in violence so indiscriminate that there is no other way to understand it except as terrorism. And it has supported similar acts of terrorism by client states.

If that statement seems outrageous, ask the people of Vietnam. Or Cambodia and Laos. Or Indonesia and East Timor. Or Chile. Or Central America. Or Iraq, or Palestine. The list of countries and peoples who have felt the violence of this country is long. Vietnamese civilians bombed by the United States. Timorese civilians killed by a U.S. ally with U.S.-supplied weapons. Nicaraguan civilians killed by a U.S. proxy army of terrorists. Iraqi civilians killed by the deliberate bombing of an entire country's infrastructure.

So, my anger on this day is directed not only at individuals who engineered the Sept. 11 tragedy but at those who have held power in the United States and have engineered attacks on civilians every bit as tragic. That anger is compounded by hypocritical U.S. officials' talk of their commitment to higher ideals, as President Bush proclaimed "our resolve for justice and peace."

To the president, I can only say: The stilled voices of the millions killed in Southeast Asia, in Central America, in the Middle East as a direct result of U.S. policy are the evidence of our resolve for justice and peace.


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