Sunday, October 12, 2008

faith, freedom, crisis and opportunity

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
~Martin Luther King Jr.
Knowing that none of us will live forever allows a deepening appreciation for life and gives the freedom to do what one really wants to do. An example in our present moment in history:

No use arguing about investing in building nuclear power plants. By the time we get them built the environmental/political/economic changes interacting with each other will deliver such quantum change that it's not that likely we'll be around to use the electricity...Actually, we'll never get it together to get them built, since we'll be far more likely to be too busy struggling to stay alive in the midst of increasing hot spells, fierce weather, pollution from damaged aging nuclear power plants, hyper-inflation, attacks from enemies that we helped create [e.g. Muslims that "we" - "our" government - made fall guy for the false flag self-attacks of 9/11].

So, knowing that we're already doomed (and I've already done enough environmental research to make it quite clear to me that, barring a worldwide raising of consciousness toward more spiritual motivation - and the consequent change in our actions - the human species will experience a near total die-off) I have come to learn to enjoy what days I have left without getting bent out of shape at what I can't change. I do what I can, knowing that what I enjoy the most (for me, that's making good soil from organic waste) is the work I am the most productive in. So, melodramatic or alarmist as it may sound to those who have not done their research into the interactions between environmental changes as I have, I do not assume that I or any of those around me will survive next year's summer. That gives me the freedom to just do the best I can and just have faith that God will take care of the rest. Maybe the Earth will experience a fiery chastening. I consider the story of Shadrach, Mischach, and Abednego surviving the fiery furnace to be an actual possibility. We are surrounded by miracles, such as the harnessing of electricity, though we don't really even understand what it is.
Progressive Democrats of America
...index of space weapons technology in various stages of development
... Killer flu recreated in the lab 07 Oct 2004 UK Scientists have shown that tiny changes to modern flu viruses could render them as deadly as the 1918 strain which killed millions. A US team added two genes from a sample of the 1918 virus to a modern strain known to have no effect on mice...
...Anthrax Links to 9-11 By Barbara Honegger 25 Sep 2008 Superweaponizing anthrax was one of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s top priorities. Two days before 9/11, on Sept. 9, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) held a rare press conference in which it revealed that on his first day as Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld ordered the DIA to take Project Jefferson, a secret and illegal anthrax weaponization program (probably using the Ames strain contained in the anthrax letters) to the next level of lethality and that it had achieved 'success' earlier that month in a classified field test...


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