Saturday, January 03, 2009

We must tame the Machine.

The "company store" was an employer's way to get more money by making it difficult or impossible for employees to buy from anywhere else. For the same reason - eliminating competition - all over the world residents have at times been discouraged from owning land, learning how to grow food, or even - now with genetic engineering to stop plants from producing viable seeds - saving their seeds for the next year. Ask yourself why grocery stores so rarely sell food plants, only flowers. There is a long history of distorted and cooked science to discourage natural (nowadays called organic) gardening and farming, for instance alleging that the use of manures spreads disease when in fact industrial agriculture does so. The biological diversity in healthy soil has been long known to suppress (though not eliminate) plant and animal diseases.

We have the right to grow our own and to eat REAL food.

We have the opportunity to transform Dimperio's market into a store that sells better food at regular (not high muckety muck) prices. Several years after Eleanor Roosevelt set a good example, and promoted competition in the agriculture industry with people who grew their own, by - against the wishes of some ag businesspeople - establishing a 5 acre farm on the White House grounds, 40% of the food grown in the U. S. was from small local gardens, according to Michael Pollan, who wants Obama to establish an organic farm on White House grounds:
Processed People
They call it "food"
...Eat food. Don't eat foodlike things. Don't be fooled into eating processed foodstuff. Eat food. We're processed people because we let them process us...

"...I can’t bring myself to buy bread at...There are two choices really, white bread, or whole grain that's been sweetened within an inch of its life. What is the point of buying whole grain bread if the second largest ingredient in it is corn syrup, or sugar? To my mouth its disgusting and fake tasting, and I won' eat it...

...I shop the outside circle, produce, dairy, meat, bakery, household goods, and I’m outta there. It is rare for my cravings to take me into the deep darkness that is the center aisles. Every time I go there I leave empty handed, and frustrated. I’m lucky that where I live there are alternatives, there is Trader Joe’s, a store that makes their food out of real ingredients, doesn’t over process or poison their food, I can feed my family their crackers and cereals, and even cookies, and frozen entrees and not feel like I’m poisoning us all to death a little bit at a time; because it’s good, and good for you...We have stores here where everything is organic, you don’t even need to label read because they’ve done it for you, they don’t stock anything that doesn’t have real food in it and no preservatives and over processed whatchmacallit. But these are specialty a store that represents mainstream shopping and eating habits of the American public, and it has barely any food in it and by that I mean things that actually nourish.

The kids that my son plays with in our neighborhood are fat, almost all of them. I’m not talking about cute and cherubic, they are still young and round and chubby type of fat, I’m talking about dangerously obese..."


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