Sunday, February 01, 2009

Nature is already high-tech.

We who "invented" the hypodermic needle (after the mosquito and bitey-fly...)
Using sunlight (uv), heat and biodiversity against disease
National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service:
Potting Mixes for Sustainable Agriculture Production 2004
...Consider solarizing [exposing to sunlight]...
...In many circumstances, compost can suppress plant disease. Israeli researchers discovered that vegetable and herb seedlings raised in a mix of 40% vermiculite, 30% peat moss, and 30% composted cow manure grew faster, with less incidence of disease, than those raised in a 40% vermiculite/60% peat moss mix. To understand how compost suppresses disease, it is helpful to know how plant substances are broken down during the composting process...temperatures are between 104 and 149°F...destroyed...are plant pathogens and weed seeds...when temperatures begin to fall...some beneficial organisms—like Streptomyces, Gliocladium, and Trichoderma, which serve as biocontrol agents—re-colonize the compost. This re-colonization is somewhat random. For example, composts produced in the open near a forest are more consistently suppressive than those produced in enclosed facilities. The reason appears to be the abundance of microbial species found in the natural environment...
Beddington Zero Energy Development Project


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