Wednesday, March 11, 2009

dancin the thug away

"Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me"
A Journey Through The Global Criminal Underworld
by Misha Glenny 2008
pages 233-6
...David Soares...DA's office in Albany...experience...challenged his assumptions about law enforcement..."I would go to court every morning, prosecuting an individual every day, believing that the job I was doing was going to make that corner a clean corner and a safer corner. But every single day I'm going into the court and I'm prosecuting this kid that I saw arrested on the block and I'm coming back and there's a new kid, same age, same complexion, doing the same thing. And it was just incredible that here we were doing the same thing every day...this was a factory! This was a moneymaking operation - a collars for dollars scheme...tired of watching people on the corners getting pummeled...
...Special Agent Matthew...Fogg's determination to highlight corruption and racial discrimination both within the ranks of America's law enforcement agencies and in their application of the law in various communities...was set up by his own colleagues during an operation to arrest a fugitive in Baltimore and was almost killed...during the early nineties...job at the DEA was to supervise a metropolitan task force that would carry out drug sweeps in the largest cities..." go hog wild on locking up as many folk on anything you could get. But of course we would concentrate on the urban areas mainly where African Americans and people of color were..."
Dispirited at hauling in hundreds of men and women from his own community, Fogg came up with a new proposal for his boss at the DEA. "I suggested we go out to...places where whites live...because our job was to find the drugs and white folks do drugs too. The DEA assistant special agent in charge...said, "Fogg, you're right. People do drugs everywhere. White folks do drugs too. But, buddy - we start going out into those areas with the task force, those people know judges, lawyers, politicians, and let me tell you something, they'll shut us down...We'll go after the weakest link instead."...

...experiments are now under way to turn polluting coal – which contributes to global warming if burned – into pure hydrogen, without even removing it from the ground...
====== 2.pdf
page 23
...there’s a portion of the responsibility for the state of the
patriarchal world to be laid on women as well as men. Women
gave up their power to men long ago and now we’re all reaping
the harvest of that mistake. That’s why Redefining Seduction is
promoting a partnership revolution, starting with women
learning to assert themselves in a relationship. It’s good for them,
it’s great for men and in the long run, it will change the world for
the better, and, who knows, it might even make war unpopular with men!...
...Limbaugh has taken to saying that he wants Obama's policies to fail...


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