Monday, April 13, 2009


"That you're not supposed to holler fire in a crowded theater refers to -
UNLESS THERE'S A FIRE. In this case, we have a worldwide emergency that involves the entire ecosystem. We have climate and other aspects of the ecosystem that are rapidly becoming destabilized. And we have to think
outside of all of the usual boxes...We have to understand that we're all in this together, and we cannot spend one penny more to do things that are status quo - that have the momentum, the inertia of past ways of thinking. This is like an animal that's dead but still moving. And it's hurting us...I'm reading a book called
The Ravaging Tide:
Strange Weather, Future Katrinas and the Coming Death of
American Coastal Cities
by Mike Tidwell.
I would ask people to look up, do a search for the phrase
"abrupt climate change."
Come to your own conclusions after an honest, open-minded look into the scientific research and points of view. In my opinion, it is possible, and
almost likely, that there are so many interacting changes - many of which are human caused - which are causing a destabilization of our ecosystem. We have to go full force with everything we have into renewable energy, into energy efficiency, solar, wind, tidal, geothermal. These are industries that can put our people to work. We have this massive waste of human, among other, resources..."
James W. McCue, 12/5/6 statement before Allegheny County Council


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