Feed the Children
Lunch Lessons:
Changing the Way We Feed Our Children
by Ann Cooper, Director of Nutrition Services, Berkeley, CA schools
...serves organic, regionally sourced and sustainable meals...
"...school lunch is...a social justice issue...the symbiotic relationship between a healthy planet, healthy food and healthy kids. And if we don't do that...we're going to become extinct, because we're feeding our children to death...the way the government commodifies food...the USDA puts food on kids's plates that's unhealthy...The way we got here is because of big agribusiness. We now live in a country where most of us, by and large, don't decide what we eat. We see big businesses...who brought us Agent Orange...control 90% of the commercially produced seeds in our country...Ten companies control much of what's in our grocery stores, much of what people eat...trying to eat food from within our region. And, clearly, with what's going on with fossil fuel usage...We can't keep feeding our kids pesticides and herbicides and antibiotics and hormones...It doesn't work...70% of all antibiotics consumed in America is consumed in animal husbandry...in...animal protein..."