Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Terrorism 101

Fearmongering - causing fear to make money

The '76 swine flu scare is one of so many examples of how we have been terrorized into becoming afraid of everything - of each other, of plants and animals, of bugs, of sex, of life itself, even of ours...elves and our own shadows. They had us scared bats carried disease, so we killed them off (hired companies to do so); now, as the bats decline we treasure them for their bug-eating capacity...We're scared to death of bugs, so we kill them off, so now the bees and other crop-pollinators are declining so it's harder to grow food...Such frightened suckers we've so often been...

page 112
"...Testament to the force of germ theory to awaken innate anxieties about nature, the 1918 flu remains exhibit A when people seek to frighten us about potential virus-borne catastrophe today. Evidence came in the form of the swine flu affair, a 1976 federal campaign to immunize every American against a strain of flu that was, supposedly, identical to the 1918 strain. The effort ended, after only 45 million Americans had been immunized, because of a near-complete absence of cases of the illness caused by the supposedly recrudescent flu strain and the possibility that the immunization induced an ascending paralysis called Guillain-Barre syndrome in hundreds of vaccine recipients. The U.S. government paid out nearly $93 million in legal settlements and lost judgments to claimants who said they had been injured by the vaccine..."


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