Monday, November 15, 2010

We hereby free.

Advances in research in conservation/efficiency, solar, geothermal, wind, so many non-combustion new technologies it's staggering (and my understanding of them so limited), distributed energy, new strategies for generation, storage and talk about energy shortage is wrong by definition. All matter is energy. It's the same mindset that keeps one being shocked from letting go of the connection. Have you ever been shocked electrically and found that your muscles tighten so that you almost can't let go? When I was a kid the vacuum cleaner had a short so if you weren't careful you got shocked. One of my older brothers purposely shocked me with it, beside the times vacuuming I got shocked. It was hard letting go of the vacuum but you just had to let go. That's how it is with central nervous system addiction, and that's how it is with addiction to combustion as an energy source. Tesla's claim to have the ability to deliver energy through earth atmosphere resonance was defunded when they I think Morgan realized - similar to later with solar - you'd have a hard time making money with it. Countless advances are on hold because of this same status quo impulse. When in grade school I read scientists' said of a possible miracle drug - dmso. Naturally occurring, cheap fermentation process from paper mill waste, not patentable, should be in every medicine cabinet...Legal as a solvent now but makers are not allowed to claim anything medical other than for interstitial cystitis...Guess why this advance has yet to be made.


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