Thursday, May 26, 2011


Appropriate biotech: Now that the ecosystem is collapsing, struggling to overcome bitterness that we all are it looks like going to share in the consequences of all the wonderfully wise business decisions that have led to this moment in history, I need to concentrate on the positive, what we can do - move full steam with as much cooperation as we can muster, to fermentation processes. Had our society not been so profoundly unwise my impulses 30 years ago with books like Microbe Power would have led to me becoming a successful businessperson rather than what I am now - a disabled person on the dole. It is with both grim satisfaction that I see now that all those times people told me I think too much and called me Dr. Doomsday for e.g. worrying about nuclear power I was right...and deep trepidation that I look forward to this whole-system emergency enveloping the Earth. Stop trying to kill "germs" and nurture the good ones. Nurture quantity and diversity of life. I still believe that life is a miracle and a mystery, and that a new age is being born as this one dies.
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Microbe Power
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