Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sacred Life

If I were running the planet, here's what I'd do:

I'd make everybody throw away their lawn mowers and let their lawns grow wild. We need all the plants we can get, to soak up carbon dioxide for one thing.

I'd make it illegal to make or sell junk food. All that processed crap is ruining our health and making us addicted to stuff like sugar.

I would decree that from now on every neighborhood has a bakery which makes only whole grain bread fresh daily. No more white bread, and no more adding preservatives.

I'd stop anybody from cutting down trees, and put people to work planting them.

I'd shut down all casinos and tell The Donald to stop getting haircuts.

I'd welcome all travel from one country to another regardless of the income status or money-making capacity of the traveler. There would be no such a thing as a "foreigner", since the whole Earth is one country and all life is one family.

I'd declare all water the common property of all life forms. Nobody owns it; the Great Spirit (of which we are a part) owns all water and all land.

I'd put every able-bodied person alive to work, at a living wage, reclaiming our doomed future by regenerating Earth's ecosystem. All life is One. We need to restore both the quantity and the diversity of life.

I'd make it illegal to put any biodegradable material in the municipal trash stream.

I'd mandate the composting or otherwise recycling of all biodegradable waste, from cardboard to manure. If we ever grow out of our childish defensive habit of blaming others we'll see we all - each and every one of us - have been unconsciously committing crimes against the Nature of which we are a part.

I'd make it illegal to kill any bug other than those that bite people, unless you're going to eat them. Insects are part of the web of life; their ecosystem services include feeding birds and pollinating flowers and (in most other countries) feeding people.

Radical times call for radical solutions. Rather than the many short-sighted but ultimately self-destructive solutions many of us engage in - such as pesticides and war with other countries and protective walls - I propose we keep constantly expanding our circles of loved ones. Until we see that the whole world is alive and miraculous, we humans will continue making a pest species of ourselves and the Earth will eventually kick us out of the community of life.

Jim McCue 412-421-6496


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