Friday, February 17, 2017

We may lose the Y community garden

YMCA is getting bids for the land on which we've established the community garden/orchard there behind the former YMCA building. If no individual or group purchases that land in order to allow the garden there to remain, once again we who volunteered and donated (including the Heinz Foundation, which provided money to help establish that garden/orchard years ago) will have our efforts...

A similar catastrophe happened with the Hazelwood Food Forest, the construction of which was accomplished with all volunteer labor and a much smaller amount of money.

I call on everyone for support in keeping alive this community garden/orchard - with greenhouse, tool shed, raised beds, compost bins, tools, rain barrels, see-saw water pump, fence, and plantings. It was envisioned from the beginning as a community asset - not just for YMCA members.

Jim McCue
composter and biotech researcher 412-421-6496


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