Monday, December 30, 2019


We need to stop feeling helpless. Everything we do has an effect. Everything is connected by cause and effect. You never know what may be gained by positive action. This common attitude of fatalistic passivity that blames others or "the system" or the government or the Democrats or the Republicans or one's lack or money or health or low position on the totem pole - this assumption of one's powerlessness - is a limiting belief.
We can slow, even reverse, the catastrophic course we're on. Stop mowing lawns. Stop cutting down trees, except where absolutely necessary. Stop believing we're going to be able to keep on burning things for energy; we don't need to.
The transition is going to be radical no matter what we do. Stop traveling except when necessary. And when you travel car pool, use public transit, choose trains over air travel, eat locally grown, naturally grown food. Stop wasting your waste; organic waste can be composted, made into biochar, returned to the Earth, or otherwise made use of.
It's much more efficient in the long run and big picture to share rather than to amass wealth or property or possessions.
Stop eating junk food and cut way back on the amount of meat (especially industrial meat) you eat. Industrial large-scale production can be good, but not making garbage such as junk mail which is almost always thrown away unread. Thousands of acres of forest are destroyed to make this junk mail. Fermentation processes can use CO2 to grow algae for either food or non-combustion energy such as hydrogen via fuel cells. A fuel cell factory was being considered for Hazelwood before this new technology was put down by the second Bush administration. We can have clean manufacturing.
Many of those on the left are emphasizing problems while neglecting solutions. An example is in the field of bioremediation. As early as the 1970's, scientists were gathering finding microbes and microbe mixes capable of hastening the biodegradation of hydrocarbons and synthetic organic toxics, and (via chelation) making metals less toxic or bioavailable (and sometimes changing them to mineral nutrients for the plants and animals in and on the soil). There is now a whole industry based on bioprospection microbes that have survived and mutated to be able to use pollutants as nutrients. The area most polluted from the J&L mill on the land now called Hazelwood Green underwent what is called, "natural attenuation" - that is, the local microbes learned to consume pollutants so well that they were actually slowly composting, making the area 8 degrees Fahrenheit warmer in the process. 30 test wells on the whole former mill site yielded the conclusion that the pollutant levels flowing into the Mon River were within government guidelines.
Good news re Everybody's Garden: Grounded Strategies will be having young people of various ages help while learning. We hope to either build or buy or get donated picnic table(s), benches, a grape arbor, and signage to point out which plants are growing, how to tend them, and how to use them. A community garden in the Hill District had this kind of very attractive signs around that garden.
Rather than look at each of our limitations as bad, we can rather see that each has a unique gift. As I age, I'm learning to see my physical limitations as a bit of a graduation from farmworker to gardening and farming teacher.
I am calling for positive action to be funded. Money properly spent can do wonders. We're seeing Earth-wide the effects of an ungoverned money system.

Jim McCue
composter and biotech researcher

Monday, December 09, 2019

The Fix We're In

Planet Earth has a future, humans maybe not. If our species survives these next few years, it will because we have evolved spiritually.

We will have outgrown war. I think the Biblical reference to a "Garden of Eden" refers to a past epoch in which there really was "total harmony amongst Nature". "Survival of the fittest" is not set in stone. Charles Darwin, a great lover of Nature who wrote a whole book on earthworms, in his book "The Origin of Species" used the phrase "survival of the fittest" only 3 times, but used the word "love" more than 80 times.

The pain we are going through at present - high-tech war; climate change; ocean acidification; ecosystem collapse; destruction of the soil upon which we depend; refugees from both war and weather; more and more money possessed by fewer and fewer people while the rest become less economically stable; corrupt governments,... - this perfect storm of interconnected troubles - are the birth pangs of a new and better age.

It hasn't sunk in with most people yet that the changes are coming MUCH faster than expected because of the interaction of all of these problems.

But that doesn't mean we are helpless. On the contrary, human progress has gotten so far that, working together, we have enormous power.

As the Christian "God is Love" gets together with the "Love Revolution", we will find that there's a lot less differences between peoples than has been made out. As an example, the words, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" are correlated with three words in India. A book published in the 1940's, Autobiography of a Yogi, has advanced science, including quantum mechanics, that our overly materialistic scientists here in the West are only now catching up with. Yogananda, its author, not only quotes the great scientists of the time but visited saints of all cultures, including Christian, and witnessed their miracles. Albert Einstein said there are two types of people - those who don't believe there are such things as miracle, and those who believe that all reality is miraculous, and that he was of that category. He thought everything was miraculous. There are people in India who believe Jesus visited India during the 30 years he went missing.

Science and spirituality are two angles on the same thing. Those with the most REAL power are those unafraid to love. The fearers and fighters are destroying themselves. Think we're in a catastrophic time? It will get worse until we dismantle and transform the military-industrial complex.

Jim McCue
composter and biotech researcher