Monday, January 08, 2007

We're all good at bottom.

Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy
by Noam Chomsky 2006

page 6
...extradition of leading terrorists...Posada...Orlando Bosch...Bush I pardoned Orlando Bosch...Bosch resides safely in the United States, perhaps to be joined by Posada, in communities that continue to serve as the base for international terrorism.

No one would...suggest that the United States should be subject to bombing and invasion in accord with the Bush II doctrine that "those who harbor terrorists are as guilty as the terrorists themselves," announced when the government in Afghanistan asked for evidence before handing over people the United States accused of terrorism (without credible grounds, as Robert Mueller later acknowledged)...

...US military expenditures approximate those of the rest of the world combined, while arms sales by thirty-eight North American companies...account for more than 60 percent of the world total. Furthermore, for the world's dominant power, the means of destruction have few limits...Israeli military analyst Reuven Pedatzur writes that " the era of a single, ruthless superpower, whose leadership intends to shape the world according to its own forceful world view, nuclear weapons have become an attractive instrument for waging wars, even against enemies that do not possess nuclear arms."...

...We have already come close to the brink of nuclear war. The best-known case is the Cuban missile crisis...when our escape from "nuclear oblivion" was nothing short of "miraculous" two prominent researchers conclude...Arthur Schlesinger described the crisis as "the most dangerous moment in human history...the dangers were even more severe than they had believed...the world was "one word away"...referring to the intervention of a Russian submarine commander, Vasily Arkhipov, who countermanded an order to fire nuclear-armed torpedoes when his vessels were under attack by US destroyers...Robert McNamara..warning of "apocalypse soon," describing "current US nuclear policy as immoral, illegal, militarily unnecessary, and dreadfully dangerous." ...

page 10
...The militarization of space did not originate in the Bush administration...

page 27
...The plan for "spikes of activity" against Iraq to try to concoct a pretext for an invasion - described in a July 23, 2002...Downing Street Memos...It is possible that current US military actions across Syria's borders are likewise designed to provoke some pretext for attack on the one Arab state that is currently defying Washington's orders...

...There were stores of equipment for developing WMD's in Iraq after the invasion: those produced in the 1980s, thanks to aid by the United States and Britain, among others, aid that continued well after Saddam's worst atrocities and the end of the war with Iran. The aid included means for developing missiles and nuclear weapons as well as virulent strains of anthrax and other biotoxins, the later in apparent violation of the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention...

These sites had been secured by UN inspectors, but the invaders dismissed them, leaving the sites unguarded. The immediate consequence was sophisticated and massive looting of these installations...biotoxins...materials usable for chemical and biological weapons, and high-precision equipment capable of making parts for nuclear and chemical weapons and missiles...radioactive materials were detected in one of every eight trucks crossing into Jordan, destination unknown...

..allowing billions of dollars of oil to flow illegally "to the benefit of the economies of American allies, including Jordan and Turkey, had a compromising effect of the Security Council's willingness to step in and stop the practice."...The United States...was "compromised" by its crucial role in illegal support for Saddam and was not in a position to "blow a whistle" about far smaller sums, which implicated many US companies.

Most of the energy corporations involved in "illicit oil surcharges" covered their tracks by resort to intermediaries...but not all:..."...Texaco, part of Chevron"...In the late 1930s, Texaco, then run by an open pro-Nazi, diverted oil shipments from the Spanish republic to Franco - in violation of contract, as well as of official US government orders - while the State Department pretended "not to see" that the fascist forces invading Spain were receiving from the United States the on ecritical commodity that Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy could not provide...When Clinton was undermining the embargo against Haiti's vicious terrorist junta, it was Texaco that was authorized to violate the presidential directive against shipping oil, the crucial commodity needed to maintain the terror...
Unsafe At Any Altitude:
Failed Terrorism Investigations, Scapegoating 9/11, and the Shocking Truth about Aviation Security Today
...partnership the United States made in the 1980s with Iran and Hezbollah...
...the great lengths that U.S. carriers and their lobbyists have gone in order to make certain that serious airline security has not been instituted...
Alliance for a New Humanity
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