Tuesday, March 04, 2008


The Night the Space Police Went on Alert

2 hoods were lit w/fear. Not high enough, or too high, I missed One More Taste of Heaven. I waited, thinking for her, alone again and fragile feeling, knowing that the vehicles whooshing by held humans who knew I'd just cracked the limit. There was a turf war coming, I alone naked and aware of its coming. Great hatred building between warriors-to-be, each unaware that his fire was not a weapon that could be directed according to his will, but rather a passion that would melt him down, each unaware that his enemy-to-be was as alive and loving and lovable as he.

I opened my door - not only to see what approached (a blimp) - not only to escape the aloneness I felt inside the apt., not only to show myself human and defenseless to those to whom I was surrendering, but also to ask why heaven seemed so near and yet so distant at the same time...a clear/starry, starry night I felt alright, but I didn't feel right. The glimpse of that shadow/black/dark helicopter that wasn't there is as close as I dare to try to go by my own will in this lifetime.

God send the pollution-eaters, the next evolutionary step.

I guess I prayed that night. How could I not have? That much fear would have destroyed me, torn my body apart had not the beauty of the cool clear night sky and the orderliness of the vehicle (motor?/ hole in the sky?/ helicopter?) traffic given me the faith that, regardless of whether that turf war would sometime in the future happen there, regardless of whether it actually was happening in some parallel universe or some other frequency - it was not happening in mine because God IS Love and I had surrendered.

One geeks alone.
...In the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima only 600 milligrams of uranium (less than the weight of a dime) was converted to energy, but it released the same amount of power as at least 13,000 tons of the conventional chemical explosive TNT.

Converting matter to energy...

World's Worst Ecological Disaster Ignored By Mainstream Media
...Remember Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Hiroshima and Nagasaki? They sure got mainstream media coverage. However a disaster which makes these events pale in comparison is being quietly ignored. Why? 600 milligrams of uranium were used in Little Boy which blew up Hiroshima. Seventy thousand people were killed by the blast, another seventy thousand people died excruciating deaths as a result of the radioactive uranium released in the explosion...
... if you machine nuclear waste into a bullet and fire it at a tank the uranium bursts into flame on impact, melting through the armor plate and blowing up the tank. A bit like a mini atomic bomb hitting the side of a tank. The military call these ‘kinetic projectiles’. Yes the same alpha radiation and radio active waste is blasted into the atmosphere from these DU rounds as Little Boy in Hiroshima.

Ok, you are thinking, this must be in some remote crazy scientist test lab located in the middle of the Nevada desert. Well no. Ever seen a Warthog, the A-10 anti tank aircraft blasting away at a tank? Well guess what causes the fireworks? Yep, Depleted Uranium rounds, 65 thirty millimeter rounds of them per second or three thousand nine hundred per minuet.

Now you are starting to get it. No wonder everywhere the U.S. troops invade takes care of things so quickly, they are using mini atomic bombs.

Except, the quantity of radio active nuclear waste being blown into the atmosphere is no where near the 600 milligrams used in Hiroshima, they measure the amounts of DU atomic weapons in tons. That’s right tons. The U.S. military has so far blasted close to two thousand or more tons of radio active uranium into the nations we have been sequentially invading around the world.

So get out your calculator. There are one thousand kilograms in a ton, so that’s 2,000,000 kilograms of uranium. Now there are 1,000 grams in a kilogram, add another three zeros. And 1,000 milligrams in a gram, another three 000’s.

The U.S. is now responsible for blasting 2,000,000 kg of radio active waste into, Afghanistan, Iraq and who knows where else. Keep your calculator on. Now divide that by 64 kg to get an equivalent for Little Boy used to blow up Hiroshima. That’s it 28,438 twenty eight thousand Hiroshima’s.

Ok, so admittedly DU rounds when they blow up tanks don’t completely vaporize like Little Boy, about 50% of the uranium is vaporized, maybe more. So even if we half the number of Hiroshima’s our government has caused in their oil war, that’s still an awful amount of uranium atoms that are now free to float wherever the wind takes them.

Turns out Saddam Hussein was right after all, this Iraqi war has been the mother of all wars. The uranium will carry on killing for another four and a half billion years. 22 thousand U.S. and UK Gulf War Veterans are already dead from the DU, another two hundred thousand are registered with the "Gulf War Syndrome" from the DU, and that's ignoring the million or so Iraqi's we murdered and many millions who will now die excruciating deaths from radiation poisoning. If dust from the Sahara can end up in New York, hey it's headed here from Iraq too.

Well now the oil producing nations are unlivable, and maybe the rest of the world if global warming winds of change decide to spread the U.S. atomic goodwill.

Oh but we need the oil, our neighbors oil. So what if we destroy the earth getting it.
Amoral America
by Robert Fearn
A Biofuel That's Softer on the Environment
Diesel derived from cottonseed oil has its advantages.
by Frank Browning 2/27/8
Department of the Planet Earth
...a couple of England's senior bishops have issued a different kind of challenge for this lenten season...asking that people partake in a carbon fast... care for God's creation, but also as justice for the poor as the tragic effects of environmental devastation seem to hit those with very little the hardest. They are inviting persons to take one new carbon reducing action for each of the forty days of lent...
American Corn Growers Association
...labor activists accuse Coca-Cola and its bottling partners of hiring right-wing death squads...
Pittsburgh Once a Month The Waldorf School,
201 S Winebiddle St Various Diana Pelletier 1-412-441-5772
...Forgive us...we know not what we do...
"A society bingeing on fear makes itself vulnerable to far more profound forms of destruction than terror attacks. The 'terrorism war', like a nostalgic echo of the cold war, is using these popular fears to advance a different agenda - the re-engineering of American life through permanent mobilization."
~William Greider
"If the test of patriotism comes only by reflexively falling into lockstep behind the leader whenever the flag is waved, then what we have is a formula for dictatorship, - not democracy... But the American way is to criticize and debate openly, not to accept unthinkingly the doings of government officials of this or any other country."
~ Michael Parenti
"The media want to maintain their intimate relation to state power. They want to get leaks, they want to get invited to the press conferences. They want to rub shoulders with the Secretary of State, all that kind of business. To do that, you've got to play the game, and playing the game means telling their lies, serving as their disinformation apparatus."
~Noam Chomsky
"While vast sums of money are being siphoned off into hidden [military] coffers, Americas schools, hospitals and public services are facing cutbacks and closures."
~Representative Henry Waxman
Naomi Klein Shock Doctrine
"methane sulfonic acids"
Center for Economic and Policy Research
because it's a jungle in there
"oil from algae"
Council on Intelligent Energy & Conservation Policy
http://www.ipsecinfo.org/ipsec_member_organizations.htm t
Economical CO2, SOx and NOx Capture from Fossil Fuel Utilization with
Combined Renewable Hydrogen Production and Large Scale Carbon
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Food Research and Action Center
This is what "democracy" looks like
sliding toward space war
Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators
March 22: Film showing, "The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil" about how Cuba overcame the difficulties of losing their fuel and agricultural petrochemical sources after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and became a nation of primarily organic growers to produce food for the people. Following the film, join in a discussion oft he importance of sustainability and local food with local farmers Evan Verbanic and Troy Bogdan. 1-4 pm in the Mount Lebanon Public Library. For more info, contact Caroline Tibbetts at (412)531-1912, or tibbettsc@einetwork.net .

March 27: The Local Living Economies and Urban Farming lecture series continues with Kenneth Warren on grassroots activism, local economies, and local food systems. 5-6:30 in McConomy Auditorium in CMU's University Center.

March 28-29: Farm to Table: A Recipe for a Healthy Pittsburgh. Conference will feature speakers, exhibits, demonstrations, and a farmers' market. Downtown at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center; Friday 12-6 followed by a local food tasting, then 9-5 on Saturday. Check out https://www.pathwayswellnessprogram.com/farm_to_table_conference.html .

March 29: GASP ( http://www.gasp-pgh.org/ ) hosts a panel discussion at Rodef Shalom about energy generation from waste coal, featuring Eric Schaeffer of the Environmental Integrity Project and Dan Volz of the Center for Healthy Environments and Communities.

April 19: Earth Day at Frick Environmental Center. A fun community festival featuring bird walks, an owl encounter, live local entertainment, nature crafts, and stewardship activities including tree planting and a Garlic Mustard Pull. For more information or to volunteer, contact Patty Himes at (412)422-6538 or patricia.himes@city.pittsburgh.pa.us .

April 29: The Local Living Economies and Urban Farming lecture series concludes with Judy Wicks, founder of Philadelphia's Sustainable Business Network, the White Dog Café, and the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE). More details below. 5-6:30 in the Connan Room in CMU's University Center.
how dare u b happy! Zeese ees not allowed!
O, O, I forgot to b unhappee!
"Norman Mineta"
"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic
Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t
by F. William Engdah 12/4/7
...Henry Kissinger declared in the 1970’s, ‘If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the population.’...
The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses are Beating the Global Competition
by Michael H. Shuman
Contrary to popular belief, many small, locally owned businesses actually out-perform their “big box” and Fortune 500 competition—both in outright profitability and the value they bring to consumers, workers, and communities. Unlike mega-stores and multi-national chains like Wal-Mart, these small businesses stimulate the economy by buying supplies and services locally, adapt to (rather than fight against) higher local environmental and labor regulations, and stick around for many years, often many generations.
The Small-Mart Revolution details dozens of specific strategies small and home-based businesses are using to successfully out-compete the world’s largest companies. And it shows how consumers, investors, policymakers, and organizers can effectively revitalize their own communities by supporting local businesses.
biofuel, bioproducts, and biorefining
nice music
Voices in the Wilderness
... blind eye was turned to sanctions busting by American firms...Bush administration was made aware of illegal oil sales and kickbacks paid to the Saddam Hussein regime but did nothing to stop them.
The scale of the shipments involved dwarfs those previously alleged by the Senate committee against UN staff and European politicians...
Election Madness
by Howard Zinn 2/23/8
...Historically, government, whether in the hands of Republicans or Democrats, conservatives or liberals, has failed its responsibilities, until forced to by direct action: sit-ins and Freedom Rides for the rights of black people, strikes and boycotts for the rights of workers, mutinies and desertions of soldiers in order to stop a war. Voting is easy and marginally useful, but it is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens.
"Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings..."
~Patrick Henry


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