Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Gubmint, they be killas


"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power."

~Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Woman Who Knew Too Much
Alice Stewart and the Secrets of Radiation
by Gayle Greene
page 158 that we know that nuclear plants, "release radioactivity and kill a certain number of people", Gofman concludes, "scientists who support these nuclear plants - knowing the effects of radiation...deserve trials for murder."

..."Everyone in America who took our side in the years subsequent to the Mancuso incident lost their funding," says Alice. "They don't burn you at the stake anymore, but they do the equivalent, in terms of cutting you off from your means to work, your livelihood."

Mancuso never worked again. Tamplin and Gofman were cut off from all further goverment contracts. Sternglass was a tenured professor with patents of his own and so he was financially beyond the grasp of industry or government, though not out of range of the character assassination that he and those associated with him continue to suffer. He has been retired for some years and continues to publish, working with Jay Gould, a statistician.

Karl Morgan became a pariah to most of his former colleagues for his criticism of nuclear policies and his outspoken support of Alice Stewart. In 1972...Oak Ridge ordered the Germans to destroy the 200 copies of his paper...and forced him to read a revised version. In 1980 he was dropped from his post at Georgia Institute of Technology...

Dr. Rosalie 1973...spoke out against building a nuclear power plant in an area next to farms that grew produce used in Gerber baby food..."experienced a smear campaign...reprisals and censoring..."

The Tri-State Leukemia Survey...was showing a cancer effect of x-rays...the National Cancer Institute terminated funding...

..."Our present path is headed toward species death...the bullets are invisible, the dying long and painful, and the wounds are carried by the children and grandchildren."...

Bertell decided to move to Canada after she was nearly killed in a mysterious accident. In 1979, four years after the death of Karen Silkwood, she was driving home from from giving an anti-nuclear talk in Rochester, New York - where, the last time she'd lectured, she'd received threats. It was rush hour and she was in the middle lane of a highway three lanes wide each way when suddenly, "I could feel a car on my left getting too close. So I pulled back, and when I did,the driver shot forward into my lane directly in front of me. I could see his hand come out of the window and drop an object in the road in front of my tire, a very heavy sharp object...cut a three-inch hole in my brand-new steel belted radial tire....could have turned over the car because I was in a small Toyota...

"These people play for keeps," said Sternglass in...1994.

...In 1974 Dr. Carl Johnson, the county health director in Jefferson County, Colorado, where Rocky Flats is located, was asked to approve a routine expansion of the residential zoning adjacent to Rocky Flats. His analysis of the soil convinced him that the nuclear facility was a health hazard...turned up plutonium concentrations more than three thousand times higher than normal in the soil of neighborhoods around the facility, and he found...Local real estate interests applied pressure to have him fired...they succeeded... a scientist who insists first and foremost on fidelity to the data...

"Often I've been the only expert that activists could get to put in an appearance because I wasn't afraid of losing my job - I hadn't got one...Maybe they can bump me off the road - that might be all right It would save me getting a chronic illness and dying that way. I speak out because there are not a lot of people in such a good position. I have nothing to lose. A lot of people do..."

The Truth About Radiation Dangers
An Overview of the Work of Dr. John Gofman

by Anthony Phillipson

First published in the Nuclear Guardianship Forum, Issue # 3, Spring 1994

The following article is based on a four hour interview with Dr. Gofman by Margaret M. Pavel and Anthony Phillipson in January, 1994 and on Gofman's speech on receiving the Right Livelihood Award in 1992.

John William Gofman, MD. PhD., is professor emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California at Berkeley, and lecturer in the Department of Medicine, U.C. San Francisco. While getting his Ph.D. in physics at Berkeley in the 1940s, Gofman proved the slow and fast neutron fissionability...

...In 1970 they were concerned that there was no threshold level below which doses of ionizing radiation to the human body were safe. By 1990 Dr. Gofman had proved this beyond reasonable doubt. In other words, there is no safe dose. Even one track of ionizing radiation passing through the chromosomes in a cell's nucleus can cause damage, leading to cancer, leukemia or genetic defects.

Gofman and Tamplin concluded that the 'permissible' extra dose from proposed nuclear power plants in the United States, if reached, would cause approximately 32,000 extra cases of fatal cancer each year. (Subsequent evidence indicates that this estimate is too low.) Though they had not opposed nuclear power at the beginning of the research, they now proposed a five year moratorium in constructing any new plants to allow for public debate and some serious thinking.

The AEC regarded these findings as heretical: such results would jeopardize the nuclear industry...
Kucinich Reveals Dem Funding Bill Includes
Privatization of Iraq Oil
Carte Blanche to Invade Iran
by June Caldwell 5/6/7

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Coming of the Green

Here's a chilling 2 questions for ya:
1. Would an attacker with a new kind of weapon or intelligence technology likely warn or brag of the weapon or intelligence technology before using it?
2. What's the likelihood that a new type of weapon or intelligence technology, once developed and used, would not be used by other(s) besides the attacker?
Bob Woodward about new secret "techniques and operations" being used in Iraq
credible allegations of new types of weapons
Close the "School of the Americas", aka "School of the Assassins"
[new name: WHISC - Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation]

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Establishment is insane.

"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the police state dictatorship it's going to get."
~Ian Williams Goddard
The Woman Who Knew Too Much
Alice Stewart and the Secrets of Radiation
by Gayle Greene
page 156
...Sternglass's 1963 article in Science...suggested that when nuclear testing began, the mortality could be correlated with peaks in the testing. In 1969 he published a powerful article in Esquire, "The Death of All Children," aimed at Congress, which was then deliberating a proposed Anti-Ballistic Missile system. Sternglass contended that by the mid-sixties, some 375,000 American infants had died "in excess of normal expectations" as a result of testing - "Each nuclear test meant a loss of thousands of babies."...The AEC did not want to hear that fallout killed any babies...
Free Market Ends as Washington and Wall Street Merge
Hazelwood farmstand
Some Dare Call It Treason: Wake Up America!
by Dr. Robert Bowman, USAF Ret.
Genetically manipulating algae for fuel:
Little green monsters or clean energy to save the world?
by Emily Waltz

Monday, September 22, 2008

The cat's out of the bag

This is the real t'ing, mahn. The real deal is that we been did
our own government, our own greed, our own arrogance, our own blind brutality. It's been this way since we tried to kill off all the Indians.
The Great Conspiracy
The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw
[taped summer of 2004]
...ill-founded fear...we better be sure the threat is real...what if the conspiracy were hatched not in a cave in Afghanistan, but in Washington D.C. at the highest levels of the U.S. government? What if the public found out the official story is a big lie? How might that change plans for endless war? There are other paths to true security and lasting peace. The first step on those paths is to expose the official 9/11 story for what it is - a contrived fiction - and then to demand a true accounting of what happened on 9/11, and who was behind the events of that day...Expenditures mount into the trillions. The so-called war on terrorism justifies...deaths of U.S. soldiers and civilians in Iraq and elsewhere...the little-publicized construction of giant U.S. military bases overseas...All this because the official authorized truth is that foreign terrorists attacked the USA on 9/11...
Stop the Insanity Here
by Robert Jensen 9/12/1
... this act was no more despicable as the massive acts of terrorism -- the deliberate killing of civilians for political purposes -- that the U.S. government has committed during my lifetime. For more than five decades throughout the Third World, the United States has deliberately targeted civilians or engaged in violence so indiscriminate that there is no other way to understand it except as terrorism. And it has supported similar acts of terrorism by client states.

If that statement seems outrageous, ask the people of Vietnam. Or Cambodia and Laos. Or Indonesia and East Timor. Or Chile. Or Central America. Or Iraq, or Palestine. The list of countries and peoples who have felt the violence of this country is long. Vietnamese civilians bombed by the United States. Timorese civilians killed by a U.S. ally with U.S.-supplied weapons. Nicaraguan civilians killed by a U.S. proxy army of terrorists. Iraqi civilians killed by the deliberate bombing of an entire country's infrastructure.

So, my anger on this day is directed not only at individuals who engineered the Sept. 11 tragedy but at those who have held power in the United States and have engineered attacks on civilians every bit as tragic. That anger is compounded by hypocritical U.S. officials' talk of their commitment to higher ideals, as President Bush proclaimed "our resolve for justice and peace."

To the president, I can only say: The stilled voices of the millions killed in Southeast Asia, in Central America, in the Middle East as a direct result of U.S. policy are the evidence of our resolve for justice and peace.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The D.C. mob is the baddest

Washington's New World Order Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate Change
by Michel Chossudovsky 2001
The Bush Regime Engineered 9/11
The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker
by Steven Greenhouse
...Northwest Airlines gave laid-off workers a booklet entitled “101Ways to Save
Money.” But the booklet added insult to financial injury. “Borrow a dress for a
big night out” and “Shop at auctions or pawn shops for jewelry” were among
the tips it offered. And then it suggested, “Don’t be shy about pulling something
you like out of the trash.”...
Energy from biomass and waste conference
10/14-6/8 Lawrence Convention Center

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Now that we have a teachable moment

As a long time activist in the garbage-into-gold movement and the founder and first (and, as far as I know, only) official member of IGPU - The International Garbage Pickers Union - I have regretfully come to the conclusion that we humans (self included) very often remain stuck-on-stupid unless we're scared out of our fucking minds. Well, if you ain't skeered right now with all the things going on in the world, you jist ain't payin attention. So I guess this is a teachable moment. Try this:
From Les Miserables
by Victor Hugo 1867
A Sewer is a Mistake
Paris throws five million a year into the sea...Without thinking about it...There is no guano comparable in fertility to the detritus of a capital. A great city is the most powerful of dung producers...At great expense, we...gather up at the South Pole the droppings of petrels and penguins, and the incalculable element of wealth that we have at hand we send to the sea. All the human and animal manure that the world loses, if restored to the land instead of being thrown into the water, would suffice to nourish the world...This the flowering meadow...the green grass...marjoram and thyme and satisfied lowing of huge oxen in the evening...perfumed hay...golden wheat...bread on your So wills that mysterious creation, transformation on earth and transfiguration in heaven...The nutrition of the plains make the nourishment of men. You have the power to throw away this wealth, and to think me ridiculous into the bargain. That will be the crowning glory of your ignorance…The present system does harm in attempting to do good. The intention is good, the result is sad. Men think they are purging the city; they are emaciating the population...A sewer is a mistake.
Food Banks Finding Aid in Bounty of Backyard
by Patricia Leigh Brown 9/13/8 jcc&st=cse
...“Farmers markets are great for those who can afford to spend $2 on a peach,” said Aviva Furman, 54, whose year-old Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle also offers canning and pruning classes. “But a huge percentage of Americans can’t afford the two cups of fruit a day recommended by the government.”

The concept of gleaning, or collecting a portion of crops on farmers’ fields for the needy, before or after harvesting, goes back to ancient cultures. But it has more recently been taken up by people like Joni Diserens, a 43-year-old program manager for Hewlett-Packard and founder of Village Harvest in Silicon Valley. Ms. Diserens uses sophisticated databases and remote telephone answering systems to track the group’s 700 or so volunteers, 40 receiving organizations, 1,000 fruit-inundated homeowners and, on a recent Tuesday, 780 sticky pounds of French prunes...


Monday, September 15, 2008

It's OUR Earth

GreenWay article for
Hazelwood Homepage
Submit your articles, ideas, comments to
Gardeners working together in Hazelwood

The world crisis with rising food prices has called forth efforts among gardeners in Hazelwood to work together to increase food security for our neighborhood. Recognizing the importance of learning from each other and educating our children about where food comes from (the ground) and how to make good soil (return organic waste back to the Earth) - Hazelwood Flats Neighborhood Garden coordinator Barbara Williams - with the help of Pastor Leslie Boone of the Hazelwood Presbyterian Church - is forming a sustainable non-profit organization.

Adults working together with young people focused on growing food, we are finding that there is power in numbers. Water for the gardens we start, topsoil, compost, tools - all are easier to obtain and use efficiently when we share and work together. In order to facilitate more neighborhood gardens,we are assessing the ownership and suitability of specific parcels of land. By our willingness to work together and give to the community we have gotten a great deal of cooperation, volunteer labor and donations, and interest in working with us. Already it's clear the garden on Ladora Way is not enough. More people want either garden space or to help with the gardens. And more want the food we produce than is possible with The Hazelwood Flats Neighborhood garden. There are a good number of empty lots, and we want to expand this year's delightful beginning with more gardens for more people by next Spring.

Working together to grow food in the city is a fulfillment of a dream for me, and I dare say many others yearn in similar directions. The new desire to grow food is re-establishing to some extent a local food web and its economic aspects. We are seeing in more clear detail that a new garden sets up a new dynamic, with property values and a new sense of community expanding into the neighborhood. The whole area is raised up.

The place we now live in was at one time so biologically rich that it became the most productive manufacturing center on Earth. The abundant water provided transportation. At one time the rivers were so overflowing with life that almost half of people's food came from them.

This city has been a world leader in so many developments. Now we can pioneer the new movement toward decentralization of food production, which is in part a return to the way things were. The agricultural system the world has now is only a recent development, and has many problems. The pollution and cost of producing food at huge distances from where it is eaten makes this crazy current way sure to collapse. Why would we buy food shipped from 500 miles or more - of poor quality because no longer fresh and grown with chemical fertilizers and pesticides - when we can grow some of our own food in our own back yards and neighborhood gardens? Wouldn't this be more sane, especially knowing that costs are sure to go up in synch with the price of gas? We Americans have been bamboozled and herded into eating processed and adulterated food, and then we wonder why disease rates are going up.

Let's take back a part of our heritage - the soil under our feet. The food we eat comes from the ground, and that's where we need to return at least some of our organic waste in order to make fertile soil to grow more and better food next year. Along with the earthwide ecological destabilization that is making transformation of our energy system necessary, a quantum leap in the value of waste biomass is becoming apparent. In both high and low tech ways, our productivity and health will depend on what we do with the organic sector of our waste. In order to both awaken and prepare ourselves for this new more sustainable economy, we need to educate ourselves and our children about the food web.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Love or fight; we decide.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
~John F. Kennedy
Southern Poverty Law Center
International Indigenist Newswire
"The whites told only one side. Told it to please themselves. Told much that is not true. Only his own best deeds, only the worst of the Indians, has the White man told.
~Yellow Knife, Nez Perce, 1877
about John McCain...and the greed and hypocrisy of U.S. leaders in general...
...building a moderate sized Solar Plant on the Mohave site would create the same power output without necessitating the mining of Dineh lands and polluting the land to move in and burn the coal. However, despite this legal pressure having halted the Slurry Pipe pulling water and coal off the native lands for the time being, with McCain's support- Peabody Group continues to attempt to reopen and/or expand mining operations along the Dineh's Black Mesa and Big Mountain, the objective being to allow trucking and rail transport of coal stolen from the Dineh to more distant plants...
They are also attempting to block the return of the Dineh to their homes, based on S.1003 (presently in the House Resources Committee) amendments introduced by Senator McCain to expand the false Hopi Tribe's territories to add additional coal and water bearing lands for Peabody to mine. Constant confrontation has not removed the Uranium contamination from Church's Hill, due to strong opposition by the Senate Energy Committee and Senator McCain's staff attorneys. Church's is where Senator McCain forced the Dineh to move on to. The man clearly has no shame where his legislative behavior crosses the line into personal gain and conflict of interest. His wife's beer distribution business took huge contracts from Nevada gaming interests, and Mr. McCain received huge street name donations, vast donations from Peabody, Bechtel and the Casinos, according to Common Cause and to the records of the Federal Election Committee. This is a case of blatant public corruption and vicious and cruel abuse of a gentle people...
From Charlie McCollester and Mike Stout
about Martin Delaney
- a story that he openly threatened the mayor or anyone else who tried to use the Fugitive Slave Act to capture the refugees under his protection.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

the joy of allowing ourselves to be honest

"Everybody knows what nobody knows."
~newspaper headline at the "suicide" of Abe "Kid Twist" Reles, "the bird who could sing but couldn't fly"

Each person is good within her/his context.

The bills are comin due

Developmment - Africa:
Why The Richest Continent Is Also The Poorest
by Miriam Mannak 9/5/8
...ecological debt refers to the debt accumulated by rich countries toward developing nations on account of resource exploitation, which often leads to environmental problems such as air and water pollution...

Creating better

Dance the dance of the beloved, because we are.
"I see only ideals; but no ideals have ever been fully successful on this Earth"
~Isadora Duncan
Illegal People: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Migrants
Remediation Technologies Development Forum
Prince Charles warns gm crops risk causing the biggest-ever environmental disaster

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why we study history

Seeing the past clearly would allow us to create a better future, one in which we all are forgiven and we all tell the truth. A time of loving cooperation on Earth IS possible.
Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11?
by David Ray Griffin 9/9/8
...the most immediate consequence...should be to reverse those attitudes and policies that have been based on the assumption that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Let's clean up THIS corner too:

"Everything we do in Colombia just makes it more attractive for the drug business...Why do you think the situation keeps getting worse there? Because we want it to, we're behind the drug trafficking. The CIA is - just like it was in Asia's Golden Triangle. And in Central America and Iran during Iran-Contra. And the British with opium in China. Coke provides illicit money, in the billions - for clandestine activities - and an excuse to build up our armies. What more can you ask? We're there, men like me in the legit army, to protect oil and to invade Venezuela. The drug game is a smokescreen."
The Secret History of the American Empire:
Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth About Global Corruption
by John Perkins 2007
page 141
...In December 2005 Evo Morales won a landslide victory to become Bolivia's first Indian president...announced that he would cut his salary in half...Bolivia's anticorporatocracy revolutionary movement...
The mainstream press in the United States openly deceived its U.S. audiences...conveyed the impression that Morales was a "Communist" and "agent of Castro."...
...,"The looting by the foreign companies has ended."...
page 146
Chapter 27 A History of Assassinations
"I walked into El Presidente's office two days after he was elected and congratulated him.
He sat behind that big desk grinning at me like a Cheshire Cat.
I stuck my left hand into my jacket pocket and said, 'Mr. President, in here I got a couple hundred million dollars for you and your family, if you play the game - you know, be kind to my friends who run the oil companies, treat your Uncle Sam good.' Then I stepped closer, reached my right hand into the other pocket, bent down next to his face, and whispered, 'In here I got a gun and a bullet with your name on it - in case you decide to keep your campaign promises.'
I stepped back, sat down, and recited a little list for him, of presidents who were assassinated or overthrown because they had defied Uncle Sam: from Diem to Torrijos - you know the routine.
He got the message."
...No sane person assassinates a head of state without first trying to bring him around. No politician or CIA agent would consider it. Not even the most hardened mafioso would do that. It is simply too risky. And too messy. There are so many possibilities for error. You always send emissaries first. They offer the carrot of corruption and then, if that does not work, they threaten the stick of coup or assassination.
When I was sent on similar assignments, I was more subtle...
page 148
...President Chavez spoke about his own contacts with EHMs [economic hit men] and jackals on Venezuelan radio
...said he was offered funds from the IMF if he agreed to surveillance flights and the presence of U.S. advisers...Even though he refused their offers...hit men did not give up..."We have defeated the economic hit men and the jackals, and if they even consider coming back, we will defeat them again,"...
...several members of the U.S. armed forces approached me with accounts of maneuvers on Colombian soil aimed at a military invasion of Venezuela...deeply concerned about the course their country was taking; they did not dare go public but they wanted the American people to hear about their experiences.
Colombia is the glaring exception to the hemispheric anti-corporatocracy movements...Washington's surrogate. Shored up by massive U.S. taxpayer assistance and armies of corporate-sponsored mercenaries, as well as formal U.S. military support, it has become the keystone in Washington's attempt to regain regional domination.

Although official justification for U.S. involvement centers on drug wars, this is a subterfuge for protecting oil interests against grassroots opposition to foreign exploitation.

page 150

Raul Zibechi, a member of the editorial council of the weekly Brecha de Montevideo and a professor at the Franciscan Multiversity of Latin America, points out that Colombia is now the world's fourth largest beneficiary of U.S. military aid, behind Israel, Egypt, and Iraq (the Associated Press ranks it as number 3) and that the U.S. Embassy in Bogota is the second largest in the world, after Iraq. He states that he and other analysts have concluded that Washington is creating a South American unified armed force, commanded by the Pentagon, that is a military version of the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and is headquartered in Colombia.

The men who contacted me - two army privtes and a second lieutenant - substantiated Professor Zibechi's allegations. They asserted tht the real reasons they had been stationed in Colombia were to establish a U.S. presence and to train Latin soldiers as part of a United States-commanded Southern Unified Army (a term two of the three used).

"Everything we do in Colombia just makes it more attractive for the drug business," the lieutenant told me. "Why do you think the situation keeps getting worse there? Because we want it to, we're behind the drug trafficking. The CIA is - just like it was in Asia's Golden Triangle. And in Central America and Iran during Iran-Contra. And the British with opium in China. Coke provides illicit money, in the billions - for clandestine activities - and an excuse to build up our armies. What more can you ask? We're there, men like me in the legit army, to protect oil and to invade Venezuela. The drug game is a smokescreen."

A former U.S. Green Beret officer told me that a mercenary army was being assembled in Guyana, along the Venezuelan border. He said that all the men were combat-hardened paratroopers, training for jungle warfare and learning Spanish.

"We got wars under way in Afghanistan and Iraq. No jungles there. No Spanish. So what's the point? But guess where there's lots of jungle? Venezuela. And they speak Spanish in Venezuela. In addition to guys like me - U.S., British, and South African mercenaries - there's a lot of guys in Guyana from Latin militaries, mostly WHINSEC graduates."

The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), formerly the School of the Americas (SOA)[aka School of the Assassins], trains Latin soldiers in combat, counterinsurgency, interrogation, torture, spying, communications, and assassination. It's graduates include some of the continents most notorious generals and dictators...
"...Economic Hit Men (E.H.M.s) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and other foreign so-called aid organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that's taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization..."
Former "Economic Hit Man" John Perkins on "The First Truly Global Empire" and its Impact on Latin America
- John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

...include soil carbon in the greenhouse accounting process...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Name that spirit

I've seen cloud patterns like this: energy.htm
CBC Broadcast Weather control part 1
HAARP "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" HIPAS "Jean Manning"
"Nick Begich" "geophysical warfare" E-Systems Raytheon
American Geophysical Union
How many died in Hurricane Andrew?
Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations
in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations
Republican National Convention detainee alleges torture
...On the 2nd day of the RNC, the Poor Person's March began with arrests, at the Ripple Effect Music Festival in front of the Capital Rage Against the Machine was threatened with arrest if they took the stage, the two events collided, combined, and ended with a peaceful demonstrators delivering a Citizen's Arrest warrant through the fence of the barricade's surrounding the RNC, and, after that, tear gas and concussion grenades.
Book about the real Pittsburgh coming out:

The Point of Pittsburgh: Production and Struggle at the Forks of the Ohio
by Charles McCollester

This book tells an epic story. The Point of Pittsburgh is about how one city was the key to the industrial development that made the United States a world power and how the struggle of the region’s people for democratic rights and a decent standard of living was central to the creation of the American middle-class.

Many books have been written about Carnegie, Mellon and Frick, their ambitions and contributions, and no history of Pittsburgh could be told without them. But most of this book tells a story that has not been told. It is about the Indians and the workers, not the generals or the titans of industry. It is about those who first stood at the Forks of the Ohio, those who dug the coal, tended the furnaces, wrested the iron, steel, glass and aluminum from raw material, who built the boats, the bridges, the rail equipment and the generators, the skyscrapers, the highways, built the homes and raised the families - about the unsung heroes and heroines whose lives burned with the light of genius, as well as those who built the organizations and communities that made life tolerable and fruitful.

The following chapter outline provides a sense of the scope of the story. The book ends with Bill Mazeroski’s home run in 1960 when Pittsburgh was at the height of its happiness, its industries strong and vital, its people generally prosperous and optimistic. The near half-century that brings us to the present 250th anniversary of the city’s founding has changed Pittsburgh irrevocably. That is a story for another book. That recent history resides in the memories of hundreds of thousands here in the region, around the nation and even the globe. Maybe this book will touch people here and there, at the Forks of the Ohio and across the Steeler Nation, in the neighborhoods and out among the post-industrial diaspora, and explain somewhat why this town holds such a place in the hearts of those who love it. May this epic tale provoke the memories of the old and stimulate the curiosity of the young.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Land and Waters
Chapter 2 - Natives at the Forks: 14,000 BC – 1740
Chapter 3 - Invasion and Resistance: 1741-1790
Chapter 4 - Gateway to the Heartland: 1791-1850
Chapter 5 - Civil War and Industrial Might: 1851 – 1875
Chapter 6 – Dominance and Resistance: 1876 – 1894
Chapter 7 – The Triumph of Capital: 1895 – 1909
Chapter 8 – The Americanization of Labor: 1910 – 1919
Chapter 9 – Mellon’s Rule and Capital’s Crash: 1920-1932
Chapter 10 – Labor’s Rise: 1933 - 1941
Chapter 11 – Victory and Division: 1942-1950
Chapter 12 – The Flowering of the Mill Town: 1951 - 1960
alleges secret world war going on
water for fuel?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

It's fixin to get real around here.

"The Revolution will NOT be televized...WILL put you in the driver's seat...WILL be live..."
====== of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation...
April Fools Day 2008
8 Arrested as North Carolina, USA Residents Shut Down Construction at Cliffside Coal Plant ...

“In the face of catastrophic climate change, building a new coal plant is tantamount to signing a death sentence for our generation,”

said local farmer Matt Wallace, while locked to a bulldozer. The concerned citizens also roped off the construction site with “Global Warming Crime Scene” tape and held banners that read “Coal Fuels Climate Change” and “Social Change, not Climate Change.”...
Imagine a world without...
We're participating in a great extinction...
labor links
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
human-caused earthquakes?
questions gov't 9/11 story

...Benjamin Fulford...former Asia-Pacific bureau chief for Forbes Magazine...

They let me investigate a lot of stuff about Japanese organized crime and the seedier side of things in Japan. However, at a certain point I seemed to be getting too close to something they didn't want me to get to, and they started stopping stories.

There was a corruption story about GE that didn't make it. Another one about Citibank didn't make it.

Then when I finally found out there was an anti-virus software company who was actually making viruses, that was it...

====== 72...
in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and
sea will be vastly different than it is today,
and “combat” likely will take place in new
dimensions: in space, “cyber-space,” and
perhaps the world of microbes. Air warfare
may no longer be fought by pilots manning
tactical fighter aircraft sweeping the skies of
opposing fighters, but a regime dominated
by long-range, stealthy unmanned craft. On
land, the clash of massive, combined-arms
armored forces may be replaced by the
dashes of much lighter, stealthier and
information-intensive forces, augmented by
fleets of robots, some small enough to fit in
soldiers’ pockets. Control of the sea could
be largely determined not by fleets of
surface combatants and aircraft carriers, but
from land- and space-based systems, forcing
navies to maneuver and fight underwater.
Space itself will become a theater of war, as
nations gain access to space capabilities and
come to rely on them; further, the distinction
between military and commercial space
systems – combatants and noncombatants –
will become blurred. Information systems
will become an important focus of attack,
particularly for U.S. enemies seeking to
short-circuit sophisticated American forces.
And advanced forms of biological warfare
that can “target” specific genotypes may
transform biological warfare from the realm
of terror to a politically useful tool...
...U.S. green lights anything into oil WorldNet Daily (August 13, 2008) - A Georgia company looking to solve America's energy problem has finally teamed up with the federal government, hoping to make millions of barrels of oil every day from virtually anything that grows out of the Earth. Bell Bio-Energy, Inc. says it has reached an agreement with the U.S. Defense Department to build seven test production plants, mostly on military bases, to quickly turn naturally grown material into fuel. "What this means is that with the seven pilot plants – the military likes to refer to them as demonstrations – with those being built … it gives us the real-time engineering data that we need to finish the designs for a full-scale production facility," J.C. Bell, the man behind the project, told WND today. "In 18 months or so, we will start manufacturing oil directly from waste and we will build up to about 500,000 barrels a day within two years. In another six months, we'll reach a million barrels a day." As the United States now imports about 13 million barrels of oil a day, the only obstacle then to total energy independence from foreign sources will be the money needed to develop the processing plants, he said. "Working with the USDA we've identified enough waste material around the country, we truly believe we can make the United States totally energy independent of foreign countries in about five years," he said. WND originally reported on the project in March as Bell, an agricultural researcher, confirmed he'd isolated and modified specific bacteria that will, on a very large scale, naturally and rapidly convert plant material – including the leftovers from food – into hydrocarbons to fuel cars and trucks. That means trash like corn stalks and corn cobs – even the grass clippings from suburban lawns – can be turned into oil and gasoline to run trucks, buses and cars. He said he made the discovery standing downwind from his cows at his food-production company, Bell Plantation, in Tifton, Ga. "Cows are like people that eat lots of beans. They're really, really good at making natural gas," he said. "It dawned on me that that natural gas was methane." WND also reported how the national news media more or less ignored his announcement of a potential solution to America's dependence on Middle East nations for its oil. But the U.S. military was listening. And Bell now confirms his agreement with the Department of Defense, the Defense Energy Support Center and the Army will have seven demonstration facilities built at Fort Benning and Fort Stewart in Georgia, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort AP Hill in Virginia, Fort Drum in New York and Fort Lewis in Washington, as well as one more installation in San Pedro, Calif. "We should have all of the plants running within 60 days," he said. "This is a big step in our growth, from the engineering that we develop with these plants, we will be able to build our full-scale production facilities and be in full production in the next 12 to 18 months. "Everyone now accepts the fact that we can make oil through bacterial action and now it is just a matter of time and money until we are turning out one million to two million barrels per day," he said. more...
"Benjamin Fulford" HAARP

U.S. green lights 'anything into oil'
Defense Department OKs facilities turning natural produce into energy
by Joe Kovacs

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Stuck-on-stupid wealthy halting progress

We need a recovery program for those addicted to money. Here is an instance in which massive change for the better has been hindered by one powerful person's business plan:
Nikola Tesla, the Genius Who Lit the World
...Financially supported by J. Pierpont Morgan, Tesla built the Wardenclyffe laboratory and its famous transmitting tower in Shoreham, Long Island between 1901 and 1905. This huge landmark was 187 feet high, capped by a 68-foot copper dome which housed the magnifying transmitter. It was planned to be the first broadcast system, transmitting both signals and power without wires to any point on the globe. The huge magnifying transmitter, discharging high frequency electricity, would turn the earth...would project its electricity in unlimited amounts anywhere in the world...system for supplying wireless power to run all of the earth's industry.

Because of a dispute between Morgan and Tesla as to the final use of the tower, Morgan withdrew his funds. The financier's classic comment was, "If anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter?"

The erected, but incomplete tower was demolished in 1917...
League of Young Voters
New Energy Congress Top 100 Clean Energy Technologies

Monday, September 01, 2008

Wake up and take back the magic.

Eritrea: President Accuses U.S. of 'Genocide' in Somalia:
The Eritrean president, Isayas Afewerki, has said the current economic, political and security crises being witnessed in the world are the consequences of the "vulgar adventurism" of the US Administration.
“Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.”
~Justice Brandeis