The Gubmint, they be killas
"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Woman Who Knew Too Much
Alice Stewart and the Secrets of Radiation
by Gayle Greene
page 158 that we know that nuclear plants, "release radioactivity and kill a certain number of people", Gofman concludes, "scientists who support these nuclear plants - knowing the effects of radiation...deserve trials for murder."
..."Everyone in America who took our side in the years subsequent to the Mancuso incident lost their funding," says Alice. "They don't burn you at the stake anymore, but they do the equivalent, in terms of cutting you off from your means to work, your livelihood."
Mancuso never worked again. Tamplin and Gofman were cut off from all further goverment contracts. Sternglass was a tenured professor with patents of his own and so he was financially beyond the grasp of industry or government, though not out of range of the character assassination that he and those associated with him continue to suffer. He has been retired for some years and continues to publish, working with Jay Gould, a statistician.
Karl Morgan became a pariah to most of his former colleagues for his criticism of nuclear policies and his outspoken support of Alice Stewart. In 1972...Oak Ridge ordered the Germans to destroy the 200 copies of his paper...and forced him to read a revised version. In 1980 he was dropped from his post at Georgia Institute of Technology...
Dr. Rosalie 1973...spoke out against building a nuclear power plant in an area next to farms that grew produce used in Gerber baby food..."experienced a smear campaign...reprisals and censoring..."
The Tri-State Leukemia Survey...was showing a cancer effect of x-rays...the National Cancer Institute terminated funding...
..."Our present path is headed toward species death...the bullets are invisible, the dying long and painful, and the wounds are carried by the children and grandchildren."...
Bertell decided to move to Canada after she was nearly killed in a mysterious accident. In 1979, four years after the death of Karen Silkwood, she was driving home from from giving an anti-nuclear talk in Rochester, New York - where, the last time she'd lectured, she'd received threats. It was rush hour and she was in the middle lane of a highway three lanes wide each way when suddenly, "I could feel a car on my left getting too close. So I pulled back, and when I did,the driver shot forward into my lane directly in front of me. I could see his hand come out of the window and drop an object in the road in front of my tire, a very heavy sharp object...cut a three-inch hole in my brand-new steel belted radial tire....could have turned over the car because I was in a small Toyota...
"These people play for keeps," said Sternglass in...1994.
...In 1974 Dr. Carl Johnson, the county health director in Jefferson County, Colorado, where Rocky Flats is located, was asked to approve a routine expansion of the residential zoning adjacent to Rocky Flats. His analysis of the soil convinced him that the nuclear facility was a health hazard...turned up plutonium concentrations more than three thousand times higher than normal in the soil of neighborhoods around the facility, and he found...Local real estate interests applied pressure to have him fired...they succeeded... a scientist who insists first and foremost on fidelity to the data...
"Often I've been the only expert that activists could get to put in an appearance because I wasn't afraid of losing my job - I hadn't got one...Maybe they can bump me off the road - that might be all right It would save me getting a chronic illness and dying that way. I speak out because there are not a lot of people in such a good position. I have nothing to lose. A lot of people do..."
The Truth About Radiation Dangers
An Overview of the Work of Dr. John Gofman
by Anthony Phillipson The following article is based on a four hour interview with Dr. Gofman by Margaret M. Pavel and Anthony Phillipson in January, 1994 and on Gofman's speech on receiving the Right Livelihood Award in 1992.
John William Gofman, MD. PhD., is professor emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California at Berkeley, and lecturer in the Department of Medicine, U.C. San Francisco. While getting his Ph.D. in physics at Berkeley in the 1940s, Gofman proved the slow and fast neutron fissionability...
...In 1970 they were concerned that there was no threshold level below which doses of ionizing radiation to the human body were safe. By 1990 Dr. Gofman had proved this beyond reasonable doubt. In other words, there is no safe dose. Even one track of ionizing radiation passing through the chromosomes in a cell's nucleus can cause damage, leading to cancer, leukemia or genetic defects.
Gofman and Tamplin concluded that the 'permissible' extra dose from proposed nuclear power plants in the United States, if reached, would cause approximately 32,000 extra cases of fatal cancer each year. (Subsequent evidence indicates that this estimate is too low.) Though they had not opposed nuclear power at the beginning of the research, they now proposed a five year moratorium in constructing any new plants to allow for public debate and some serious thinking.
The AEC regarded these findings as heretical: such results would jeopardize the nuclear industry...======
Kucinich Reveals Dem Funding Bill Includes
Privatization of Iraq Oil
Carte Blanche to Invade Iran
by June Caldwell 5/6/7