Sunday, October 26, 2008

This life is bigger than us.

"The Earth has all the time in the world. And we don't."
~Oren Lyons
Happy Birthday to Pittsburgh
"crop circles" "Pat Delgado" CIA "Mandelbrot set""Colin Andrews" "T. Galen Heironymous"
...Victor Jara, Chilean political folk musician and activist...was one of Chile's great musicians and a tireless cultural activist, travelling both through Chile and the world singing songs of new hope born from the socialist-democratic movements of Latin America. Victor was tortured and killed between September 14-16 1973 following a CIA-sponsored coup of the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. He was among 3,000 who met their fate in those first few days at the hands of General Pinochet's soldiers. Chile went on to become the International Monetary Fund's test-product for neo-liberal free market "reforms", which destroyed the economy and left untold numbers of Chileans in poverty
FDA Gives in to Food Torturers
by Jim Hightower 10/22/8
...corporate giants of agribusiness that insist on torturing nature’s delicious, nutritional edibles for their own fun and profit. They take food into their labs to alter its genes, they turn grass-eating animals into cannibals, they douse fruits and veggies with toxic chemicals, they juice up milk cows with artificial sex hormones, they contaminate meat with deadly bacteria – and, now, in the name of “food safety,” they want to zap our dinner with high doses of radiation.

In August, George W’s industry-cozy Food & Drug Administration stiffed consumer advocates and common sense by authorizing the irradiation of spinach and lettuce. Never mind that hitting food with extra-powerful X-rays causes the loss of flavor, texture, and nutrition – while also making the product more expensive – this is a weapon that Big Agbiz wants in its arsenal, so the Bushites run amuck...
George W. Arms the World
by Jim Hightower 10/9/8
...Working with military contractors who backed his presidential runs, Bush has become history's number-one gunrunner! He has now sold or given away more war weaponry to more countries than any other U.S. president...
International Federation of Agricultural Producers

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Love EVERYBODY, even bugs...

"If way to the Better there be, it exacts a full look at the Worst."
~Thomas Hardy
The Unearthing: An Awakening Has Arrived
With Truth Comes Awakening
by Manuel Valenzuela 4/3/7
...Without exposing the criminality, 9/11 will not be the last attack by the enemy within against the American people. If left unchecked, America as we know it will not survive...
A Paradigm for Today's Democrats?
FDR's Response to the Plot to Overthrow Him
by Alan Nasser 10/3/8
dispatches from the Bolivarian Revolution
Good commies: democratic communism or communal democracy

Sunday, October 19, 2008

the REAL thieves

Trillions missing from the military:
11 Sept 2001 - Another Operation Northwoods?
Mockingbird: The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA
by Alex Constantine Mockingbird
The secret government's ownership of the media
gave it the ability to pull off 9/11 and cover it up.
Project on Government Oversight

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fear yields to love.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
~J. Krishnamurti
Marvelous new technology soon to be in production with both constructive and destructive applications:
This company LOOKS wonderful, but is using genetic technology to destroy the ancient ability of the farmer to save seeds to replant the next growing season:
...Cybernation is the linking of computers with automated systems. Eventually the central cybernated systems will coordinate all of the machinery and equipment that serve the entire city, the nation and ultimately the world. One can think of this as an electronic autonomic nervous system extending into all areas of the social complex...
...a resource-based world economy where all of the world's resources are held as the common heritage of all of the earth's peoples...
Worms help clean up soil

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We don't have an energy crisis.

We don't need to have an energy crisis.

Many of us have at this time in history the feeling that life could be so much better, but it seems to be getting worse. How do we turn this around? I think each of us holds a part of the puzzle in our own unique abilities. We each have a role to play in making a better world. Let's just do the best we can. We all have different manifestations of the same problems.

The quick solution is often the dirty one. We have the illusion that oil is the only type of energy; but energy is all around us. There is an astounding number of new methods of energy generation being researched. And there are new design advances in older alternative energy choices. There's wind, which, for all the badmouthing it's received by those invested in the status quo, has enormous potential to provide clean energy. There's geothermal - again, with current advances showing huge possible application. There's solar, another rapidly improving technology receiving so much resistance from those who are either honestly ignorant or cynically self-serving. These really clean technologies harness the energy already existing in nature - neither making pollution nor requiring enormous capital investments to build (as with so-called "clean coal" and nuclear), There is tidal energy - which I guess you could say puts the moon to work, by using the regular rise and fall of the ocean to generate power. There are fermentation processes by which waste organic material can produce energy.

There are schemes for combining several technologies to overcome limitations of each. One example has to do with hydrogen made by electrolysis from solar. The common complaint about solar is that it doesn't work when and where the sun isn't shining bright. But this can be overcome by using excess solar - in off-peak hours when it's not needed - to produce hydrogen via electrolysis, which can then be used when and where the sun isn't shining. It's so simple we'll someday wonder how we could have not seen it.

There are many highly technical research projects ongoing into new energy processes, claims that I lack the expertise to evaluate. There are even claims that nature's energy can be harnessed "from thin air" so to speak, like a properly tuned radio pulls in a signal from the air. Though the science is too advanced for me to follow, I do think that what is being sometimes referred to as "free energy" is actually possible from a philosophy of science perspective. Think of all the examples in your life of those times in which something good did not happen because someone or other was stuck on doing things the old way. There are vested interests which have consistently acted to shelve new technologies - for no other reason than that they threatened the business plans of entrenched technologies. Go to the library and take out the film "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and you will see that it wasn't inevitable that gas guzzling SUV's clog our traffic. We could have had by now very comfortable plug-in electric vehicles that don't pollute at all if plugged into electricity made by fuel cell or other alternative energy.

I have often said we could have Heaven on Earth if we just worked together. This is not just impractical romanticism. Idealistic dreamers are often accused of being unrealistic, but the world we have now is in some ways so hellish because of the actions of those "practical" cynics who always rest on their "I got mine" vested interests by saying "It can't be done" every time somebody comes up with a good idea.

Monday, October 13, 2008

breaking the vicious cycle of dirty energy addiction

We're on our own. Lets stop assuming we'll have enough to eat next year. We need to all work together to grow as much food as possible locally now. Some are saying that the bailout will cause hyper-inflation, because printing all that money will devalue the dollar.
Tangled Embrace of the Three E's
by Asher Miller 9/26/8

... Obama acknowledged this morning that the massive Wall Street bailout will likely postpone his sweeping proposals on healthcare, education, alternative energy, and other priorities...

what many of and the economy (and the environment) a sort of positive feedback loop death energy costs climb, governments will have less money available to invest in alternatives to fossil fuels, not to mention other investments that are key to healthy, sustainable communities. The longer we remain dependent on depleting fossil fuels, the less time and money we'll have left to transition away from them or mitigate the climate crisis. The more we deplete the higher the energy costs and the more instability and shortages we'll experience. All this further weakens the economy, which leaves us with yet fewer resources to get out of the trap...
The "disaster capitalism complex"
American Poultry Association
American Association of Bovine Practitioners
raising geese, ducks, swans
American Dairy Goat Society
American Beekeeping Federation
Compassion in World Farming
potatoes, onions, garlic
beneficial nematodes:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

faith, freedom, crisis and opportunity

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
~Martin Luther King Jr.
Knowing that none of us will live forever allows a deepening appreciation for life and gives the freedom to do what one really wants to do. An example in our present moment in history:

No use arguing about investing in building nuclear power plants. By the time we get them built the environmental/political/economic changes interacting with each other will deliver such quantum change that it's not that likely we'll be around to use the electricity...Actually, we'll never get it together to get them built, since we'll be far more likely to be too busy struggling to stay alive in the midst of increasing hot spells, fierce weather, pollution from damaged aging nuclear power plants, hyper-inflation, attacks from enemies that we helped create [e.g. Muslims that "we" - "our" government - made fall guy for the false flag self-attacks of 9/11].

So, knowing that we're already doomed (and I've already done enough environmental research to make it quite clear to me that, barring a worldwide raising of consciousness toward more spiritual motivation - and the consequent change in our actions - the human species will experience a near total die-off) I have come to learn to enjoy what days I have left without getting bent out of shape at what I can't change. I do what I can, knowing that what I enjoy the most (for me, that's making good soil from organic waste) is the work I am the most productive in. So, melodramatic or alarmist as it may sound to those who have not done their research into the interactions between environmental changes as I have, I do not assume that I or any of those around me will survive next year's summer. That gives me the freedom to just do the best I can and just have faith that God will take care of the rest. Maybe the Earth will experience a fiery chastening. I consider the story of Shadrach, Mischach, and Abednego surviving the fiery furnace to be an actual possibility. We are surrounded by miracles, such as the harnessing of electricity, though we don't really even understand what it is.
Progressive Democrats of America
...index of space weapons technology in various stages of development
... Killer flu recreated in the lab 07 Oct 2004 UK Scientists have shown that tiny changes to modern flu viruses could render them as deadly as the 1918 strain which killed millions. A US team added two genes from a sample of the 1918 virus to a modern strain known to have no effect on mice...
...Anthrax Links to 9-11 By Barbara Honegger 25 Sep 2008 Superweaponizing anthrax was one of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s top priorities. Two days before 9/11, on Sept. 9, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) held a rare press conference in which it revealed that on his first day as Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld ordered the DIA to take Project Jefferson, a secret and illegal anthrax weaponization program (probably using the Ames strain contained in the anthrax letters) to the next level of lethality and that it had achieved 'success' earlier that month in a classified field test...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Imagine a world without money.

Stop the Clash of Civilizations
"...We're afraid and they're playing off our fears..."
Well, I'll be danged. There ARE people in D.C. doing good stuff:
...The Jubilee Act will expand eligibility for 100 percent debt cancellation without harmful economic conditions to 67 impoverished countries...On Wednesday, April 16, 2008, the Jubilee Act (HR 2634) was debated and passed in the House of Representatives and now moves to the Senate...had a hearing in the Senate Foreign Relations committee on April 24, 2008, and was passed by the Senate Foreign Relations committee a month later...The Jubilee Act: Cancels impoverished country debt, prohibits harmful economic and policy conditions on debt cancellation, mandates transparency and responsibility in lending from governments and international financial institutions, calls for a new legal framework to restrict the activities of predatory “vulture funds,” and calls for a U.S. audit of debts resulting from odious and illegitimate lending...
Massive voter caging by McCain campaign?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Good guys, bad guys - you know we're all the same

"Bush knew of the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism."
~Col. Stephen Butler
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
...corporations and countries that buy natural resources from bad actors in developing countries are violating the property rights of the people of those is urgent to find ways to stop these corporations and countries from sending us these stolen goods...
Alliance for Climate Protection
e.g. for windmills
Worthy candidates elbowed out of the debates:
How often do either of the 2 toughest elbowers use any of these words or phrases?:
"Working class" "Taft Hartley Act" "Labor Unions" "Consumer Protection" "Military Industrial Complex" Poverty Healthcare Impeachment nuclear solar "Carbon tax" "Corporate power" "Corporate welfare" "Corporate crime" "Living wage" Bailout
The economist who invented the phrase "irrational exuberance" says i told u so and gives his take on the situation and what we should do.
"Council for world Freedom" Singlaub McCain Nicaragua Vietnam
ev1, volt, "150-mile battery",

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Money is only part of life.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition
by Patrick Quillin
Chapter 24
"No one with a headache is suffering from a deficiency of aspirin..."
Our elected "leaders" are being threatened by the Bush mob:
Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Let's start building windmills:

McCain and Obama both bought off


* Can Coal Be Clean? A Debate Between Michael Brune of Rainforest Action Network and Joe Lucas of American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity *

While John McCain and Barack Obama have painted clean coal as a panacea that will help solve the nation’s energy problem, many environmental and scientific groups have questioned whether the burning of coal can ever be clean. We host a debate between Rainforest Action Network director Michael Brune, author of the new book Coming Clean: Breaking America’s Addiction to Oil and Coal, and Joe Lucas of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity.


* The Tyranny of Oil: Antonia Juhasz on "The World's Most Powerful Industry -- What We Must Do to Stop It" *

Along with so-called clean coal technology, both of the major presidential candidates also supporting expanded offshore oil drilling. We speak to Antonia Juhasz, author of the new book The Tyranny of Oil: The World's Most Powerful Industry -- And What We Must Do to Stop It.



Monday, October 06, 2008

faith and power

"Life's highest hopes are rooted in the knowledge that they will be."
"...We need law and order, not just for the streets, we need law and order for corporate misbehavior, for corporate crime...We can start by abolishing the Taft-Hartley anti-union law of 1947...The last 25 years have witnessed the wholesale abolition of regulations...taking the federal cop off of the corporate crime and public-spirited civil servants...are gagged...The U.S. army up to the 4 star general was against that war in Iraq, because they knew what they were getting into..."
A.D. 2012
Is Something Big Coming?

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Have you hugged yer tree today?

“Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.”
~Rabindranath Tagore

Thursday, October 02, 2008

THEY need to bail US out.

These bailout proposals feel to me like we're being told to hold still for a rape. Let's meditate on how the All/One goes beyond business versus labor, and beyond cause and effect. Since everything is connected by cause and effect, nothing can be called causer or affected. We have to think outside the box. The master is slave of the slave. The way to make things better for all humanity is to be, like Johnny Appleseed, in service of all life.
Not One Dime!
by Mike Whitney 1/10/8
... we have been asking ourselves why the investors and foreign banks that bought up hundreds of billions of dollars of worthless mortgage-backed securities (MBS) from US investment banks have not taken legal action against these same banks or initiated a boycott of US financial products to prevent more people from getting ripped off?

Now we know the answer. It's because, behind the scenes, Henry Paulson and Co. were working out a deal to dump the whole trillion dollar mess on the US taxpayer. That's what this whole $700 billion boondoggle is all about; wiping out the massive debts that were generated in the biggest incident of fraud in history. Rep Brad Sherman explained it like this last night to Larry Kudlow:

"It (The bill) provides hundreds of billions of dollars of bailouts to foreign investors. It provides no real control of Paulson's power. There is a critique board but not really a board that can step in and change what he does. It's a $700 billion program run by a part-time temporary employee and there is no limit on million dollar a month salaries....... It's very clear. The Bank of Shanghai can transfer all of its toxic assets to the Bank of Shanghai of Los Angeles which can then sell them the next day to the Treasury. I had a provision to say if it wasn't owned by an American entity even a subsidiary, but at least an entity in the US, the Treasury can't buy it. It was rejected.

The bill is very clear. Assets now held in China and London can be sold to US entities on Monday and then sold to the Treasury on Tuesday. Paulson has made it clear he will recommend a veto of any bill that contained a clear provision that said if Americans did not own the asset on September 20th that it can't be sold to the Treasury. Hundreds of billions of dollars are going to bail out foreign investors. They know it, they demanded it and the bill has been carefully written to make sure it can happen."

So, why hasn't the Treasury Secretary explained the real purpose of the bailout to the American people? Could it be that he knows that his $700 billion bailout would end up like the Hindenburg, vanishing in sheets of flames?

This is a terrible bill, and it confers absolute authority on one of the central players in the scandal, Henry Paulson, who was the Chairman of Goldman Sachs at the time this MBS garbage was being peddled around the planet to credulous investors. Now Paulson will be in a position to buy up any "troubled asset" he that he believes could pose a threat to "financial market stability". That's just great! It is clear that Paulson will use his unchecked powers to wipe the slate clean and remove any possibility that foreign investors will take legal action against the real perpetrators; the giant Wall Street investment banks.

So, how do the American people like paying off Paulson and Co. future legal bills? Is that how taxpayer revenue should be spent instead of on education, health care and infrastructure?

There's another reason why Paulson is working so hard to pass the Bailout for Tycoons Bill; it's a windfall for the banking giants...
...The caterpillar sheds his skin to find a butterfly within... Lyrics/There Is A Mountain Lyrics.html

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

We're born good.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience
- we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
~Teilhard de Chardin
Johnny Appleseed loved everything that lived:
The Point of Pittsburgh
Production and Struggle at the Forks of the Ohio
by Charles McCollester
...“He was very fond of children and would talk to me a great deal, telling me of the hardships he had endured, of his adventures and hair-breadth escapes by flood and field.” Curtis remembered him clearing little patches along French Creek “where he thought at a future day apple trees would be wanted; then, in the fall, repair to Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and wash out of the pomace at cider mills a bushel or two of seeds, and return with them on his shoulder, plant them at the proper time, enclose the spot with a brush fence, and pay some attention to the cultivation. He never secured title to the land for his nurseries.”

With “the thick bark of queerness on him” and no fixed address his entire adult life, Chapman preferred to spend his nights out of doors. A vegetarian, he deemed it a cruelty to ride a horse or chop down a tree; he once punished his own foot for squashing a worm by throwing away his shoe. He liked the company of Indians and children best. Johnny Appleseed stands as a powerful symbol of those who give of themselves for the betterment of those around them with no expectation of earthly reward. (His mystical religious beliefs as a missionary of the Church of New Jerusalem were inspired by Emmanuel Swedenborg who wrote: "Man is first introduced into the innocence of childhood, which consists of knowing what is true and good from the Lord only and not from himself, and in desiring and seeking truth only because it is truth, and good only because it is good.")...
...who stood up and voted against the war in October of 2002. Watch the remarks from yesterday of Reps. Marcy Kaptur, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Dennis Kucinich...
Peace, Earth and Justice news


Journal of Life Sciences

Diabetes: "Friendly" Bacteria Protect Against Type 1

Researchers at Yale University and the University of Chicago said that mice exposed to common stomach bacteria were protected against the development of Type 1 diabetes, in what they say is a dramatic illustration of the potential for microbes to prevent disease. Researchers said the findings, reported in the journal Nature, support the so-called “hygiene hypothesis”—the theory that a lack of exposure to parasites, bacteria, and viruses in the developed world may lead to increased risk of diseases like allergies, asthma, and other disorders of the immune system. They also said that the results suggest that exposure to some forms of bacteria might actually help prevent onset of Type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease in which the patient’s immune system launches an attack on cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. The researchers showed that non-obese diabetic mice deficient in innate immunity were protected from diabetes in normal conditions. However, if they were raised in a germ-free environment, lacking “friendly” gut bacteria, the mice developed severe diabetes. The non-obese diabetic mice exposed to harmless bacteria normally found in the human intestine were significantly less likely to develop diabetes, they reported...
...It is not Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson who will save us. It is Dorothy Day. ...
...founder of the Catholic Worker movement...understanding of the shame people feel when they fail...Upton Sinclair's novel, The Jungle, inspired Day to take long walks in poor neighborhoods in Chicago's South Side. It was the start of a life-long attraction to areas many people avoid.

Day had a gift for finding beauty in the midst of urban desolation. Drab streets were transformed by pungent odors: geranium and tomato plants, garlic, olive oil, roasting coffee, bread and rolls in bakery ovens. "Here," she said, "was enough beauty to satisfy me."...In November 1917 Day went to prison for being one of forty women in front of the White House protesting women's exclusion from the electorate. Arriving at a rural workhouse, the women were roughly handled. The women responded with a hunger strike. Finally they were freed by presidential order...Her conviction that the social order was unjust changed in no substantial way from her adolescence until her death, though she never identified herself with any political party...
Climate Change: Chemical Lobby Weakening Ozone Treaty
by Stephen Leahy