Sunday, November 02, 2008

Real democracy means getting a receipt.

Would you go to a store that didn't give receipts so that you could go back and say "See, you got it wrong"? Not one voter in this country will get to use a TruVote machine.
Receiving stolen goods: gold diamonds coltan cassiterite
How We Fuel Africa's Bloodiest War
What is rarely mentioned is the great global heist of Congo's resources
by Johann Hari 10/30/8
fake terror history
...Despite what the nuclear industry tells us, building enough nuclear power stations to make a meaningful reduction in greenhouse gas emissions would cost trillions of dollars, create tens of thousands of tons of lethal high-level radioactive waste, contribute to further proliferation of nuclear weapons materials, and result in a Chernobyl-scale accident once every decade. Perhaps most significantly, it will squander the resources necessary to implement meaningful climate change solutions...
Al Gore on Global Warming; Is Global Warming a Hoax?
Whether we are having global warming because of carbon emissions or not is not the problem. The problem is overpopulation, overproduction, overconsumption, and over polluting our planet in every way. We only have six percent of our native virgin forest left. Our aquifers are drying up, our fish are dying, our coral is dying, we have dead zones off of almost every major port, the oysters are becoming infected with herpes, and on top of all of that, we are having crop failures, threats of wars, economic problems, our kids are drugged, our families are broken and we are at the crossroads of a series of events, anyone of them can destroy our entire civilization. We have major problems to fix everywhere we look.

Take a look at the figures. We are pumping 7 Million tons of CO2 into the air every day. That's not counting the sulfur, insecticides, herbicides and who knows what else. This cannot be a good thing for our health or the health of the planet. Watch one of the NASA programs and take a look at how thin our atmosphere really is above the planet. We are pumping Seven Million tons of Carbons into this atmosphere every single day. There has to be a reaction to this atmospheric change. Look at all of the other chemicals we are pumping into the atmosphere. There has to be an effect. When we cause something to happen, we will feel the effects...


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