Tuesday, January 06, 2009

the knitters and the splitters

"I could never understand, if you have three meals a day and a place to live, why try to double or triple what you have?..."
~Senator Claiborne Pell
Past the seeker as he prayed came the crippled and the beggar and the beaten.
And seeing them...he cried,
"Great God, how is it that a loving creator can see such things and yet do nothing about them?"
...God said,
"I did do something.
I made you."
~Sufi Teaching
Disease suppression via composting:
All the nutrients work together in the body to do everything.
"...look at the body and all of it's biological systems as a whole living system...there's no such thing as an isolated vitamin in nature. In nature there's only a vitamin complex, and every single plant or food substance contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. And they work in a complex, and it's so complicated that no scientist can break it apart...Nutrition is like a watch. What part of a watch tells time? Well, the whole thing, right? So if you're chasing down isolated vitamin approaches without addressing the basics...Human bodies are not linear systems, they're harmonic systems..."
~Paul Chek
Dreaming of the Earth...speaker coming Jan 12
From Karen Bernard kbsweethome@yahoo.com:
Sister Miriam MacGillis is coming to Pittsburgh
Monday, January 12,
to give a lecture, "Image of God: The Universe Tells the Story of God."
The Association of Pittsburgh Priests will host the event
at 7:30 p.m.
at Kearns Sprituality Center
on the LaRoche College campus.

Miriam founded Genesis Farm in Blairstown, NJ, and, in 1986, began a pioneer program in community-supported biodynamic gardening. Since 1990 Genesis has offered extensive Earth Literacy courses "to awaken our capacity to 'read' the book of the natural world and to 'hear' the voices of its community of life." Miriam's teaching is organized around the insights of geologian Thomas Berry (Dream of the Earth, The Great Work, The Universe Story). She invites us to explore a new cosmology, a new vision of the nature of the universe and the role of the human within it. With this kind of new vision, we think, comes the chance of awakening the deep psychic energies necessary to shape a new, healthy and whole world.

Tickets for the lecture are $15 and can be purchased at the door, or by sending a check to Sister Joan Coultas, DP, Kearns Spirituality Center, 9000 Babcock Blvd., Allison Park, PA 15101, or call 412-366-1134.
Original Instructions:
Indigenous Teachings for a Sustainable World
2008 bearandcompanybooks.com
"...Traditional farming is organic farming, and that is give and take. You don't take, take, take, and deplete and deplete, where nobody will have it after you. This is the mentality that we're going to have to get into to make sure that our children have something in the future..."
~Mark Paikuli-Stride
nativevillage.org/Archives/2005/September 21 News I 157/Sept 12, 2005 News I 157 V4.htm
...Students sink hands in the land

Hawaii: For years Mark Paikuli-Stride educates new generations about the traditional ahupua agricultural system. Each year, students are invited to his land where they work in a taro patch, planting, weeding and harvesting. Paikuli-Stride and Aloha 'Aina Health Center are working together to preserve agriculture land especially where taro once flourished. Their goal is to protect agricultural lands, make it productive again, and provide food at a price that people can afford. "We have to start securing our food-source areas," Paikuli-Stride said. "Right now, we look to the supermarkets for our water and our food, but in traditional times the ahupua'a was where everything was gathered, and right now our ahupua'a are being depleted and destroyed." Paikuli-Stride wants to grow taro just as the ancient Hawaiians did--without chemicals and pesticides. "We can't go back to that way of life but we can understand the tradition, the way they cared for the land, and do what we can to preserve it..."
Why we have nuclear power plants


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