Sunday, April 19, 2009

Revolution is called for.

The word "Earth" needs to be always capitalized, in recognition of the fact that it cannot be divided into parts. It is one functioning whole. Not capitalizing the word implies the philosophical mistake that humans can own things. New science confirms the ancient recognition that all things are unbreakably connected. The machine called Wall Street has never cared one way or the other about humanity or the environment. Unless we wake up to the fact that all life is one, God (or the Universe, or The Force or whatever you want to call It) will cause the economy to collapse - via environmental changes not being considered in most financial analyses - in order to return us to our connectedness. We need a declaration of Jubilee to return the money system to square one - everyone equal. Do ye not hear the very stones cry out?
"...We're filling up the sky with garbage..."
~from a song by Pete Seeger
Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth
A Declaration of Independence from Wall Street
by David C. Korten
...Wall Street institutions that have perfected the art of creating phantom “wealth” without producing anything of real value. Its major players engage in speculative trading, buy into asset bubbles, create debt pyramids, and engage in predatory lending practices. Their seeming success created an economic mirage that led us to believe the economy was expanding exponentially, even as our economic, social, and natural capital eroded and most people struggled ever harder to make ends meet...
Our hope lies not with Wall Street, Korten argues, but with Main Street, which creates real wealth from real resources to meet real needs. He outlines an agenda to liberate the latent entrepreneurial energies of Main Street from Wall Street’s deadly grip and bring into being a new economy—locally based, community-oriented, and devoted to creating a better life for all, not simply increasing profits. It will require courageous and imaginative changes to how we measure economic success, organize our financial system, even the very way we create money...
Global Marshall Plan:
The Strategy of Generosity and How to Heal the World


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