Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Let the women run the show

The men keep fuckin up
"I've been able to have my kids eat so many different things that they would have never touched if we had bought it at a store because they either met the farmers that grew it, or they saw how it was grown."
~Michelle Obama
Financial Fools Day
April 1, 1-5pm
The fools are tryin ta fool us
Market Square
Some are hoping to build a new global financial system that will allow multinational corporations to rake in profits at the expense of people and our shared earth...
Network of Women Farmers in India Ready to Beat Climate Change with Organic Agriculture
Vandana Shiva: "Seed is Sacred"
...seed saving is "a problem to Monsanto and other major seed companies who want to turn seed into a non-renewable resource."...
Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology
Who plants a seed
beneath the sod,
And waits to see,
Believes in God.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pray we don't get fooled again.

microbial fuel cell


Joint BioEnergy Institute

"Borden cheese proceeds go to dairy farmers"
California Dairy Research Foundation
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
~William Colby, former CIA Director

"We do not have the right to allow this crisis to continue for long. We are determined to make sure the world financial system is vigorously regulated. You go to a shopping mall and you are filmed. You go to the airport and you are watched. I can't imagine that only the financial system has no surveillance at all."
~Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva

biosuper ftsu
a biological fertilizer consisting of rock phosphate, elemental sulphur and an inoculum of sulphur-oxidising thiobacilli
World Technology Evaluation Center
...U.S. green lights anything into oil WorldNet Daily (August 13, 2008) - A Georgia company looking to solve America's energy problem has finally teamed up with the federal government, hoping to make millions of barrels of oil every day from virtually anything that grows out of the Earth. Bell Bio-Energy, Inc. says it has reached an agreement with the U.S. Defense Department to build seven test production plants, mostly on military bases, to quickly turn naturally grown material into fuel. "What this means is that with the seven pilot plants – the military likes to refer to them as demonstrations – with those being built … it gives us the real-time engineering data that we need to finish the designs for a full-scale production facility," J.C. Bell, the man behind the project, told WND today. "In 18 months or so, we will start manufacturing oil directly from waste and we will build up to about 500,000 barrels a day within two years. In another six months, we'll reach a million barrels a day." As the United States now imports about 13 million barrels of oil a day, the only obstacle then to total energy independence from foreign sources will be the money needed to develop the processing plants, he said. "Working with the USDA we've identified enough waste material around the country, we truly believe we can make the United States totally energy independent of foreign countries in about five years," he said. WND originally reported on the project in March as Bell, an agricultural researcher, confirmed he'd isolated and modified specific bacteria that will, on a very large scale, naturally and rapidly convert plant material – including the leftovers from food – into hydrocarbons to fuel cars and trucks. That means trash like corn stalks and corn cobs – even the grass clippings from suburban lawns – can be turned into oil and gasoline to run trucks, buses and cars. He said he made the discovery standing downwind from his cows at his food-production company, Bell Plantation, in Tifton, Ga. "Cows are like people that eat lots of beans. They're really, really good at making natural gas," he said. "It dawned on me that that natural gas was methane." WND also reported how the national news media more or less ignored his announcement of a potential solution to America's dependence on Middle East nations for its oil. But the U.S. military was listening. And Bell now confirms his agreement with the Department of Defense, the Defense Energy Support Center and the Army will have seven demonstration facilities built at Fort Benning and Fort Stewart in Georgia, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort AP Hill in Virginia, Fort Drum in New York and Fort Lewis in Washington, as well as one more installation in San Pedro, Calif. "We should have all of the plants running within 60 days," he said. "This is a big step in our growth, from the engineering that we develop with these plants, we will be able to build our full-scale production facilities and be in full production in the next 12 to 18 months. "Everyone now accepts the fact that we can make oil through bacterial action and now it is just a matter of time and money until we are turning out one million to two million barrels per day," he said. more...

van jones "planet cooking status quo"
Hazelwood Harvest
Serving Hazelwood's Community Gardens
"All great achievements require time."
~Maya Angelou
grow fresh nutritious produce for community members;

clean up and use vacant lots for urban green space

promote environmental stewardship;

provide safe recreation, cross-generational and cross-cultural collaboration;

teach our youth to plant environmental urban gardens in a spirit of empowerment and team work.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

spending OUR money wisely

There come a day
Call for march on Wall St. April 4th
Bail out the people, not the banks.
"...Obama doesn’t talk like Bush; he just acts like him..." informationclearinghouse.info/article22286.htm
...“We used to expect a drought every 10 years. Then it began to happen every five years. Now it’s happening every year...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pittsburgh needs a Community Food Center


Monday, March 23, 2009

More than one way to get there

You can use off-peak electricity to make fertilizer and/or fuel and/or food.
“When the people find out they’re not stupid, changes will come faster than we think.”
~Julian Beck
non-hybrid, open-pollinated, heirloom seeds
"Long ago it was said that one half of the world does not know how the other half lives."
~Jacob A. Riis
Follow the Money: Unearthing the Roots of the Sub-Prime Crisis
...Bob and Stacy Schmidt of Maryville, Tennessee are victims. But they’ve decided to fight back....to prevent what they contend is an illegal foreclosure. With a loan originated by the bankrupt sub-prime giant, New Century, the Schmidt's now find themselves locked in battle with Litton Loan Servicing, a so-called mortgage “servicer.” Litton has been the subject of numerous consumer complaints and the target of several individual and class action lawsuits...confrontation...when three carloads of Sheriff’s deputies arrived with an order of eviction. The Schmidt’s had declared they would not leave, despite threats of arrest. A last minute phone call to a Federal Judge ended the tense stand-off. However a few days later the deputies returned, armed with a new foreclosure notice...the arrest of the Schmidt’s son as well as the “removal” of Mr. Schmidt from the residence – in handcuffs.

The Schmidt's — self-proclaimed conservative “red staters” — are armed with a crusading passion that goes beyond an attempt to just save their home. “We’re trying to show the country what the system is doing to regular people,”...Many believe that mortgage fraud in the sub-prime industry is a scandal of Enron proportions.

But Litton is just the tip of the iceberg, one of many so-called “mortgage servicers.” This segment of the sub-prime industry – with links to hedge funds, equity investors and major banks – offers a window on how a mortgage-based house of cards was carefully constructed over the last two decades – and now is beginning to topple, creating tremors that have rippled through the global economy.
Pacific Street Film Projects

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Take Back the Economy

Pittsburgh Action Against Corporate Excess
Thu, March 19, 3pm – 4pm
223 Federal St (North Shore – Springhill Suites)
Pittsburgh UNITE will rally against Citibank—one of the recipients of the federal bailout money—because of their efforts to fight the Employee Free Choice Act. The Employee Free Choice Act will give workers the freedom to join unions and bargain for better treatment and wages. We are calling on Congress to enact the real change that’s needed to end an era of corporate excess and rebuild an economy that works for everyone.
Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development
...climate change and security event which took place yesterday in Washington, D.C. With tipping points for the dieback of the Amazon rainforest and melting of major ice sheets looming, the world is quickly losing natural resources as well as inviting severe sea level rise, potentially resulting in major conflicts between countries. Participants at the event discussed U.S. and international climate policy as well as several "fast-action" strategies necessary for avoiding abrupt climate change.

Climate Change is Such a Serious Threat to National Security that Military Organizations are Now Part of the Solution
International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement
Pittsburgh poultry
...UrbanChickens.com and BackyardChickens.com...
Institute for Environmental Security
Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment
Earth Systems Research Laboratory
Stratospheric Ozone Layer Depletion and Recovery
...If by 2050 bromine and chlorine returned to the levels present in 1980 and every other aspect of the atmospheric environment were unchanged, we would expect a full recovery of the ozone layer. Other aspects (temperature, winds, etc.) of the atmospheric environment and chemicals other than halocarbons can also influence the ozone layer. Changes in these features have been observed and will undoubtedly continue to change in the future. Because the interactions between ozone, temperature, mixing rates, water vapor (and other chemicals) are complex and multi-faceted, accurate predictions of the future ozone layer's health in the face of predicted or unexpected changes are difficult. Changes in ozone depletion may also affect climate change, and many of the chemicals involved in ozone depletion and their substitutes also can influence climate. These interactions at this time are very uncertain. Efforts are currently underway to explore the range of potential future atmospheric conditions and how they might influence the health of the ozone layer...
American Council On Renewable Energy
Center for Social Inclusion

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


...Countries both import and export products such as chicken - Why not just keep our own chickens and let them keep theirs? It certainly would save transportation costs...We have been so thoroughly advertised into the habit of always feeling we need things that we don't realize the riches we're literally burying ourselves in...
The Green Collar Economy
How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems
by Van Jones
music by Heather Murphy
California Green Corps
Our first community food garden in Hazelwood
...A report by the World Economic Forum, which runs the annual Davos meetings of the international business and financial elite, says that lack of water, will "soon tear into various parts of the global economic system" and "start to emerge as a headline geopolitical issue".

It adds: "The financial crisis gives us a stark warning of what can happen if known economic risks are left to fester. We are living in a water 'bubble' as unsustainable and fragile as that which precipitated the collapse in world financial markets. We are now on the verge of bankruptcy in many places with no way of paying the debt back."...
Buying Time:
A User's Manual for Building Resistance and Resilience to Climate Change in Natural Systems
...We have entered an era of dangerous climate disruption and it poses a fundamental threat to the vulnerable places, species and people WWF seeks to protect. The world is already facing an accelerated rate of habitat loss and species extinction. Climate change increases the pace of these losses even more.

Rising sea levels, changes in freshwater supply, and the frequency and severity of extreme weather such as drought and floods are already becoming part of our everyday lives. We have before us the opportunity and the challenge of preparing for the impacts while changing the ways we use energy and resources. In rising to the occasion and changing our direction over the next decade, we can avert catastrophic climate change...taking steps to reduce the vulnerabilities...current initiatives include:

* Assessing impacts and building resilience
* Driving policy change to ensure a worldwide commitment
* Reducing carbon emissions from forests
* Transforming markets and business practices...

March 28, 2009, 8:30 pm local time

World Wildlife Fund is asking individuals, businesses, governments and organizations around the world to turn off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour – to make a global statement of concern about climate change and to demonstrate commitment to finding solutions.
cat snake eagle worm rabbit frog human rat cow baby hunger hole "spider web" "the substance of life" "web of life" water "make water" life eyes whole bug

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lighten up, already.

"In a stunning announcement, Citigroup showed a profit and had its best quarter since 2007. They made $8 billion dollars in profit. That just shows you: If you give a company $45 billion in government bailout money, they'll show you how to turn it into $8 billion in profit."
~Jay Leno
"The federal government agreed on Sunday to provide an additional $30 billion to AIG. According to AIG, $15 billion will be used to build the world's biggest toilet, down which the other $15 billion will be flushed."
~Seth Meyers

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Big problems call for bigger solutions.

Big Problems Call for Big Solutions

At this time in history, we can agree that the whole planet is in trouble. Knowing we're all in the same boat allows us to work together as never before. And communication has become so fast that needed changes can spread faster.

We all need the news, for instance, but not necessarily the newspaper. As electronic communication becomes less expensive we save by not buying newspapers. That's a big step - for most newspapers to close - but look at the good that is coming from this trend. Each time a newspaper goes bankrupt, millions of trees are no longer needed to be cut down for their manufacture. That means more living plant matter on Earth to soak up the now mushrooming amount of co2 getting into the atmosphere. So here is a concrete way in which our economic crisis can be responded to as an oppurtunity. Yes, this means more temporary unemployment as paper media declines, but less pollution. Think how wonderful it is that we'll soon see the end of the wasteful practice of tearing down forest and turning it into all that junk mail we get and then throw away. Less paper garbage blowing around our streets, and we breathe a tiny bit easier knowing that at least one contributor to environmental instability is gone.

The information society can make labor, manufacturing and transportation more efficient. Why make something and ship it a long distance when you can rather just communicate the information as to how the particular need can be taken care of more locally? Telephones, tv's, computers, hand-held devices like the blackberry - all relay information at the speed of light. Why get in your car and go to work when a lot of what you do can be done via the phone, computer or fax machine?
Countries both import and export products such as chicken - Why not just keep our own chickens and let them keep theirs? It certainly would save transportation costs.
The same is true for a thousand other products. They pass each other on the highways, being shipped hither and fro, and for what? Obviously we could have a world better organized than this. We're running around like chickens with our heads cut off rather than using our heads. Local markets for locally made products and services is the message of these tough financial times. Both relocalization (producing locally) and remanufacturing (producing from recycled materials such as waste biomass) are clearly being pointed to by our economic stress. To the extent we each can get "off the grid" by producing food and power at home (so we're not as dependent on the gas and electric companies) the less we will be vulnerable to the inevitable difficulties coming.

Why order - all the way from China and a thousand other places - food to be delivered when you can get food grown right here? How silly we're going to feel when we realize that most of what we have been doing is unnecessary. Guess how many millions of times, for instance, apples grown in Pennsylvania and shipped to other states in trucks are passed on the highways by apples grown other places being shipped into Pennsylvania. The same with all the other fruits and vegetables and other goods being shipped in while those same goods made here are also being shipped out of state. Isn't this a little ridiculous?

We have been so thoroughly advertised into the habit of always feeling we need things that we don't realize the riches we're literally burying ourselves in. Count the number of hammers in the Pittsburgh neighborhood of Hazelwood, for instance. Now compare that to the number of times on any particular day that each of those hammers is actually being used. The obvious conclusion is that no Hazelwood resident need buy a hammer for a long, long time. Were we one big family, we'd only need one hammer.
We're not short of money, we're short of cooperation. Our fears and set ways of thinking are making us psychosomatically blind. In this time of emergency we need to stop being afraid, and stop holding our eyes so tightly closed. Yes, we have problems bigger than humankind has ever faced, but the world does not need to continue to slide into a brutal depression in which war over scarce necessities is inevitable. We can do with much less by treating each other as family and sharing.

This time is full of wonderful and terrible inventions and developments. We have to choose each moment between love and fear. If you're not into love right now, you'll have to try and sit back and enjoy the real horror show possibilities right in front of us. Up to now - according to some scientists - industrialization has caused our oceans to become 30% more acidic. A large amount of the extra carbon dioxide we humans have been making has been getting soaked up by the oceans. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form carbonic acid. This is making the shells and bone structures of ocean creatures more water soluble, hampering their growth. We're going to have to grow more food locally - more fish, and more new foods such as edible microbial fermentation products. The meaning of the phrases "food security" and "energy security" are becoming starkly clear as the frequency of droughts, stormy weather, utility failures and heat events increase.
Aside from our still increasing use of fossil fuels, indirect effects of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere - from melting permafrost, increasing forest fires, biodegrading tundra, and now possibly also methane hydrates under the ocean - are causing and being caused by feedbacks. And the carbon dioxide absorption of the world's plants, soils, and waters is diminishing. What good changes that are coming about - such as increased photosynthesis in some areas due to warmer temps and more co2 - are being way more than offset by the increased instability of the whole Earth system.

The interactions between all these changes is making saving the Earth the only profitable enterprise. Anyone who thinks she or he is going to sit back and watch this drama is sadly mistaken.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

dancin the thug away

"Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me" christmas-carols.net/carols/peace-on-earth.html
A Journey Through The Global Criminal Underworld
by Misha Glenny 2008
pages 233-6
...David Soares...DA's office in Albany...experience...challenged his assumptions about law enforcement..."I would go to court every morning, prosecuting an individual every day, believing that the job I was doing was going to make that corner a clean corner and a safer corner. But every single day I'm going into the court and I'm prosecuting this kid that I saw arrested on the block and I'm coming back and there's a new kid, same age, same complexion, doing the same thing. And it was just incredible that here we were doing the same thing every day...this was a factory! This was a moneymaking operation - a collars for dollars scheme...tired of watching people on the corners getting pummeled...
...Special Agent Matthew...Fogg's determination to highlight corruption and racial discrimination both within the ranks of America's law enforcement agencies and in their application of the law in various communities...was set up by his own colleagues during an operation to arrest a fugitive in Baltimore and was almost killed...during the early nineties...job at the DEA was to supervise a metropolitan task force that would carry out drug sweeps in the largest cities..."...you go hog wild on locking up as many folk on anything you could get. But of course we would concentrate on the urban areas mainly where African Americans and people of color were..."
Dispirited at hauling in hundreds of men and women from his own community, Fogg came up with a new proposal for his boss at the DEA. "I suggested we go out to...places where whites live...because our job was to find the drugs and white folks do drugs too. The DEA assistant special agent in charge...said, "Fogg, you're right. People do drugs everywhere. White folks do drugs too. But, buddy - we start going out into those areas with the task force, those people know judges, lawyers, politicians, and let me tell you something, they'll shut us down...We'll go after the weakest link instead."...

...experiments are now under way to turn polluting coal – which contributes to global warming if burned – into pure hydrogen, without even removing it from the ground...
redefiningseduction.com/Chapter 2.pdf
page 23
...there’s a portion of the responsibility for the state of the
patriarchal world to be laid on women as well as men. Women
gave up their power to men long ago and now we’re all reaping
the harvest of that mistake. That’s why Redefining Seduction is
promoting a partnership revolution, starting with women
learning to assert themselves in a relationship. It’s good for them,
it’s great for men and in the long run, it will change the world for
the better, and, who knows, it might even make war unpopular with men!...
...Limbaugh has taken to saying that he wants Obama's policies to fail...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

feedbacks, cycles, technology to the rescue

"Maybe we're going into an ice age and global warming will offset that"...sounds like wishful thinking to me...If we act together as a species to protect existing carbon sinks while encouraging new ones (such as in warming Antarctica area and other land and sea areas where algae and other plants are increasing)...One new carbon sink is human ingenuity in turning the combustion waste product co2 into a resource...With information technology transcending the need for long transport of services, goods, and people...Alvin Toffler's Future Shock need not be so scary. We're at
a new stage of evolution
Coming of the Messiah
Second Coming
Age of Aquarius
The Revolution
whatever you want to call it.

Technology can come to the rescue. We need simple low-tech too.
Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club
Celebrating Earth at Potato Peel Mountain
Search terms:
"Future Shock, by Alvin Toffler"
"primary production"
"high-info low-mass"
"Green New Deal"
"Earth Overshoot Day"
online "on line" "assembly line" bioreactors bicycles "appropriate technology"
"planet on overshoot"
"local remanufacturing"
Remaking Cities Institute

Remaking Hazelwood, Remaking Pittsburgh (August 2007) background study.

...visionaries to think about the future of the Pittsburgh region, and to put at their service our expertise in urban design and community development. Our work begins in the Greater Hazelwood Area, home to one of Pittsburgh's largest remaining riverfront brownfield sites.

The Wall Street Journal published an article in 1999 calling Pittsburgh "Roboburgh" in recognition of the local concentration of talent in robotics. Can this city that historically has been known as "Iron City" become associated with the incorporation of innovative technologies in our social, cultural, economical, fiscal and natural environments?

What if Pittsburgh becomes a worldwide reference again for something as central to our perception of "modernity" as steel has been for the last century? What if cutting edge technologies are embedded into the daily lives of our communities now? What if robotics spin-off companies settle in the region? What if through technology we can extend the productive participation of aging and disabled populations in the everyday life of our communities; and what if that becomes a major industry? What if the same happens with entertainment technology? What if major international companies are successfully attracted to open manufacturing and/or R&D activities...What if 1,000 students move into the Hazelwood area? What services will grow around them?...What if we develop programs for current residents to take advantage of the growing employment opportunities in some of those sectors? What if all this is done with a strong sense of respect for the ecological framework of the region and with a commitment to diversify the economic and cultural opportunities...aligning the creative energy of our universities, the motivation for new product development of firms, the principles of sustainable community design and the energy and leadership of our region...
"Interpreting a world of accelerating change."
“Anthropogenic Climate Destabilization: A Worst-case Scenario”
September 12–14, 2008 | Bellevue, Washington
Kucinich: Nationalize the Fed
... take the money supply and control over it back from the bankers...
Third World Network
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
a perspective on appropriate genetic engineering
Organic farming brings hope to stressed Indian farmers
...has brought hope to villagers in a drought-prone area in India commonly known for farmer suicides due to debts from high-cost modern agriculture.

Low-cost, sustainable and environment-friendly farm technologies are helping boost the confidence and self-reliance of farmers in the drought-prone...

The Integrated Natural Sustainable Agriculture Programme (INSAP)...
Rainforest may burn, speeding climate change
Local Governments for Sustainability
Local Action for Biodiversity
... protecting nature and improving city life are interdependent goals. Conservation and urban leaders are natural allies...
Defend everybody. We either all share the guilt or we're all blameless. Recovery teaches to accept the past, love the present, and take faith in the future.
Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Criminal Defense Resource Center
World War 4 Report
Sty in sky rethinks how we can farm in city

Pig City — highrise pig sties designed by a Dutch architectural firm — is one of the radical ideas on urban farming in a
Design Exchange exhibit.

by Christopher Hume
"...planet on overshoot..."
Quotes from
Information Clearing House Newsletter
"When the President starts lying he begins to need evidence to back up his lies because in this democracy he is questioned on his statements. It then percolates down through the bureaucracy that you are helping the Boss if you come up with evidence that is supportive of our public position and you are distinctly unhelpful if you commit to paper statements that might leak to the wrong people.

The effect of that is to poison the flow of information to the President himself and to create a situation where a President can be almost, to use a metaphor, psychotically divorced from the realities in which he is acting...."
~Daniel Ellsberg 5/13/70 to the
US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
"The only foes that threaten America are the enemies at home, and these are ignorance, superstition and incompetence."
~Elbert Hubbard
"Whatever America hopes to bring to pass in the world must first come to pass in the heart of America."
~Dwight David Eisenhower
"America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense, it is the other way around. Human rights invented America."
~Jimmy Carter
Rachel's Sustainable Feast
Sunday May 24 12:30 - 4:00
A Game As Old As Empire
The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the
Web of Global Corruption
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
by John Perkins
Nuclear power isn't the answer to energy or environmental problems
3/4/9 by Eric Epstein
Three Mile Island Alert
green chemistry
Combining agriculture with reforestation
Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development
Ed Humes finds "eco barons" working to save earth
Climate Change:
New Thinking to Tackle Old Problems
Drought in Southern South America
...one of the worst droughts in southern South America in decades...plants were struggling to grow in the hot, dry weather. Since northern Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil contain rich, intensively cultivated land, the dots include fields of corn, cotton, soy, wheat, or pastureland for grazing cattle. The brown tones reveal that these plants were growing far less vigorously than average in late January 2009.

From mid-November 2008 through mid-February 2009, unusual weather patterns brought extreme temperatures and low rainfall to this normally productive agricultural region. The period is critical for many crops, including cotton, wheat, soy, and corn. As a result, crop yields in the three countries were expected to dip, with Argentina suffering the worst blow, said the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). Even Argentina’s famous beef industry had been affected by the drought, reported BBC News, as pastureland disappeared, and cattle starved.
Selling nuclear power
The sales people took the acronym EPR, which stands for European Power Reactor design, and slipped into doublespeak making EPR sometimes mean Evolutionary Power Reactor...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Get out yer magnifyin glasses

Don't pollute yer worms, they get li'l tummyaches:
Department of Biology, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, People's Republic of China
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Bioconcentration Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soil on the Mucosa Epithelia Cell Ultrastructure Injuring of the Earthworm's Gastrointestinal Tract
Heavy metal pollution of soil destroys agricultural ecological surroundings, affects agricultural production seriously, and changes the animal community in the soil greatly...Earthworm as a big animal in soil, is first affected...
"Fossil fuels are running out on the planet," says Mindy Schwartz, of Garden Dreams, Inc., a Wilkinsburg company that sells produce and seedlings. At some point, she says, "People aren't going to be able to afford to buy food shipped from far away."
Kretschmann Farm, Rochester, PA
...Total Beauty
It's no longer enough that a product is pretty on the outside, cheap and available. We owe it to the coming generations who will have to clean up our products in the future to manufacture in harmony with nature...
green collar economy links
UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition
Force-feeding the World
America's 'gm [genetic modification] or death' ultimatum to Africa reveals the depravity of its gm marketing policy
King Corn: You Are What You Eat
"...the subsidy system that rewards the overproduction of cheap corn makes the raw material available for an overweight society. We subsidize the happy meals but we don’t subsidize the healthy ones..."

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Feed the People

We're all on the same wave...
First Lady Visits the USDA, "People's Garden"


...creating a community garden at each USDA facility...

...Last week, the Agriculture Department started its own garden, one that will include fruits and vegetables to be donated to the city’s soup kitchens...an effort by the Obama administration to get people to grow some of their own food.

Mrs. Obama said she was particularly pleased that the department’s facilities all over the world would be planting gardens. “I’m a big believer in community gardens,” she said, “both because of their beauty and for providing access to fresh fruits and vegetables to so many communities across the nation and the world.”
The Transition Handbook:
from oil dependency to local resilience
by Rob Hopkins
build yer own
...solar water heater...
solar battery charger...
solar thermal panel (hot water from the sun)
Global Crop Diversity Trust
Uncertain Peril:
Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds
by Claire Hope Cummings 2008
...GMOs [genetically modified organisms] don't address the real issues plaguing agriculture; they're designed to substitute for or increase the use of proprietary weed and pest control chemicals. Patented and genetically altered seeds perpetuate the very worst problems of the industrial food system, and they are undermining the autonomy of the farmers who use them.

According to the Global Crop Diversity Trust, the organization that is building the Doomsday Vault, there are more than 50,000 edible plants in the world. About 150 of them have been commercialized, and only 40 of those are cultivated regularly. Only three of them – rice, corn, and wheat-provide most of humanity with its mainstay foods. Three others – soy, cotton, and canola – get more than their fair share of attention because of their industrial uses. Other plants are important sources of sustenance for many people in the world, especially potatoes, cassava, and taro, as well as barley and sorghum. That's the short list of plants that we rely on for our basic needs, and all of them, as well as tobacco, sugar, coffee, sunflowers, and most fruits and vegetables, have been patented or genetically modified.

Seeds are the common heritage of all humanity, and yet they are being stolen right from underneath our noses...
According to Richard Heinberg, we are already in peak oil and peak natural gas is coming soon.
Band-aids are part of the problem; we need full investment in post-carbon tech.
The Human-Powered Home
Choosing Muscles Over Motors
by Tamara Dean
Wage Theft in America
Why Millions of Americans are Not Getting Paid -
And What We Can Do About It
by Kim Bobo
Interfaith Worker Justice
A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld
by Misha Glenny 2008
Pitt Students for Justice in Palestine

Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME),

Muslim Students Association,

Pittsburgh Palestine Solidarity Committee,

Pittsburgh Jews for Peace,

OPTICS (Organizing Pittsburgh to Increase Community Solidarity,

the Tel Rumeida Circus for Detained Palestinians,

International Solidarity Movement - Pittsburgh Chapter
Palestine Solidarity
Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury
John Adams "sheep on the White House lawn" Wilson

"kitchen gardens international"
"peoples' garden"
"edible landscapes"

Accountability Now
...challenging the institutional power structures that make it so easy, so consequence-free, for Congress to open up the government coffers for looting by corporate America while people across the country are losing their jobs and their basic constitutional rights while unable to afford basic health care...
MoveOn, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), DailyKos, ColorOfChange.org, Democracy for America, 21st Century Democrats and BlogPAC