Our children are being sold down the river. Not by evil foreigners or criminals or extraterrestrials or religious zealots. We ourselves are destroying their future, and ours - by putting money foremost in our decision-making.
Money is important, but we have become addicted to an idea. Can you eat it? Can you burn it to keep warm in the winter? Can you use it to keep cool in a summer disrupted by rapid climate change? Buying personal comfort and safety will be impossible in a society which has had its whole fabric torn by the problems connected to the environmental crisis we are all now facing.
Money was never, is not, and never will be something intrinsic to life. Look at the birds; do they eat money? Do they burn it to keep warm? Do they drink it? Do they breathe it? How about the flowers - do they need money? How about the honeybees?
Do the deer care about money? No, they're worried about the people that make and use arrows and guns and bullets. My, aren't we humans intelligent, though. We're all the time figuring out how to take down Nature for our enjoyment.
So we have as a species painted ourselves into an historic corner. It's anybody's guess who all will survive. Think I'm exaggerating? Think I'm a little hysterical? Think I'm only thinking about your great great grandchildren or your great grandchildren or your grandchildren or your children? No, the destabilization of our climate and overfishing and the acidification of our waters and pollution and the loss of Earth's biological diversity and the increasing number of earthquakes due to side effects of human activity and our (seeming) inability to stop fighting (and with ever more advanced weaponry) - are all making for environmental change so immediate that it is OUR generation that is in trouble. It is WE that are in a fix, NOW. Not in the future. It's time to wake up.
I know we all need money to survive. But there was a time when people didn't. So let's talk about REAL progress, about growing a REALLY sustainable economy, not one that throws people all over the world away because they can't fit in to the system. We need an economy that pays people to grow and feed people REAL food, not industrial processed fake food that kills slowly. An economy that pays people to plant food forests rather than to cut forests down to make paper for junk mail advertisements. An economy that pays people to learn how to use our technology to solve our problems rather than exacerbate them.
We have forgotten how to get along with and help each other and live in harmony with nature.
So, let's grow up. The only thing that gets me up in the morning in the face of all these problems is that I'm thoroughly convinced that the core nature of reality is miraculous. We are only now on Earth growing mature enough to see that we have always been part of a living universe, which is infinitely more intelligent and knowledgeable than us and has been helping us all along. There are civilizations out there far more technologically and spiritually advanced than we. We have to put down all our tribalism and nationalism and speciesism and racism and survivalism and moneyism and materialism. The only way to survive, paradoxically, is to stop fighting to survive and surrender to the love that is our basic nature. Only then will we survive and be part of a great growth rather than an extinction event.
Jim McCue 412-421-6496
Money is important, but we have become addicted to an idea. Can you eat it? Can you burn it to keep warm in the winter? Can you use it to keep cool in a summer disrupted by rapid climate change? Buying personal comfort and safety will be impossible in a society which has had its whole fabric torn by the problems connected to the environmental crisis we are all now facing.
Money was never, is not, and never will be something intrinsic to life. Look at the birds; do they eat money? Do they burn it to keep warm? Do they drink it? Do they breathe it? How about the flowers - do they need money? How about the honeybees?
Do the deer care about money? No, they're worried about the people that make and use arrows and guns and bullets. My, aren't we humans intelligent, though. We're all the time figuring out how to take down Nature for our enjoyment.
So we have as a species painted ourselves into an historic corner. It's anybody's guess who all will survive. Think I'm exaggerating? Think I'm a little hysterical? Think I'm only thinking about your great great grandchildren or your great grandchildren or your grandchildren or your children? No, the destabilization of our climate and overfishing and the acidification of our waters and pollution and the loss of Earth's biological diversity and the increasing number of earthquakes due to side effects of human activity and our (seeming) inability to stop fighting (and with ever more advanced weaponry) - are all making for environmental change so immediate that it is OUR generation that is in trouble. It is WE that are in a fix, NOW. Not in the future. It's time to wake up.
I know we all need money to survive. But there was a time when people didn't. So let's talk about REAL progress, about growing a REALLY sustainable economy, not one that throws people all over the world away because they can't fit in to the system. We need an economy that pays people to grow and feed people REAL food, not industrial processed fake food that kills slowly. An economy that pays people to plant food forests rather than to cut forests down to make paper for junk mail advertisements. An economy that pays people to learn how to use our technology to solve our problems rather than exacerbate them.
We have forgotten how to get along with and help each other and live in harmony with nature.
So, let's grow up. The only thing that gets me up in the morning in the face of all these problems is that I'm thoroughly convinced that the core nature of reality is miraculous. We are only now on Earth growing mature enough to see that we have always been part of a living universe, which is infinitely more intelligent and knowledgeable than us and has been helping us all along. There are civilizations out there far more technologically and spiritually advanced than we. We have to put down all our tribalism and nationalism and speciesism and racism and survivalism and moneyism and materialism. The only way to survive, paradoxically, is to stop fighting to survive and surrender to the love that is our basic nature. Only then will we survive and be part of a great growth rather than an extinction event.
Jim McCue 412-421-6496
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