Saturday, June 20, 2009

Uh-oh, trouble's a brewin'...

Keep looking up - follow the heroes:
"True forgiveness deals with the past, all of the past, to make the future possible."
~Desmond Tutu, quoted in
Amish Grace:
How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy
by Donald B. Kraybill, Steven M. Nolt, and David L. Weaver
More heroes:
"Winona LaDuke", "James Lovelock", "James Hansen", "Bill McKibben", "Senator Jim Ferlo", "Mike Stout", "Charlie McCollester", the guy who waded in chest deep to save the stranded strangers, the soldier who refused bad orders,...
"Jack O'Malley" Gath/2006 Gathering Files/Fr. Jack O'Malley.htm ,...


...The Gaia theory proposes that the atmosphere, oceans, rocks, soil and all living things constitute a self-regulating system that maintains favourable conditions for life - but not necessarily the life that is comfortable for human beings.

One of Lovelock's most beautiful pieces of hard science - which tipped the balance in favour of Gaia - is his discovery of a great cycle in which algae in the oceans produce volatile sulphur compounds that act as seeds to form the oceanic clouds. Without these dimethyl sulphide "seeds", the cooling oceanic clouds would be lost...

The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning

Lovelock argues that the earth is lurching toward a permanent “hot state” — much more quickly than most scientists think—and calls for aggressive preparation in order for humanity to survive the consequences...
A 'time bomb' for world wheat crop,0,2438801.story
The Ug99 fungus, called stem rust, could wipe out more than 80% of the world's wheat as it spreads from Africa, scientists fear. The race is on to breed resistant plants before it reaches the U.S....
====== said the urban poor would likely be hit hardest as foreign investment declines and demand for exports drops, and millions would return to the countryside, which could put pressure on rural communities and resources.

Globally there are now about 1.02 billion people hungry, up 11 percent from last year...

International Forum on Globalization


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