Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Let's build a greenhouse in Hazelwood.

Request to be included in contact list - send to

It has recently become evident to me that there is sufficient non-profit/foundation/investment interest and support for locally grown food to make possible funding for the building of a greenhouse devoted solely to providing food to local people from local inputs - local organic waste for fertilizer, locally-sourced recycled building materials, local labor (within walking distance of the greenhouse). If you or anyone you know might be interested, please submit an email address to me to be informed of progress in this direction (the building of a greenhouse in the Hazelwood section of Pittsburgh). Request to be put on this contact list for a greenhouse run on organic principles does not imply commitment to help in any way or even support of the viability of the idea. This contact list is not for Hazelwood or Pittsburgh residents only. All emails submitted to me will be shared with those others who have sent their emails - in an attempt to help get the project started - hopefullly in time for the 2010 growing season. Those supplying email addresses for this list by Sept 1 - and those others I think might be interested - will be sent my reasoning for the financial viability of this community greenhouse, and I will put this also on my webpage:

The size and financial structure of the project is entirely flexible. My assessment of the environmental and economic changes interacting at this time lead me to conclude that a commercial-scale (though not necessarily wholly commercial - including possibly cooperatively owned) greenhouse, properly managed, would be a very practical - and so economically feasible thing to do.

As an adjunct to the greenhouse, associated activities - such as the custom design and building of bioreactors for a wide variety of situations - and work related to the scaling up of e.g. production and/or manufacturing of vessels for microbial soil inoculants, microbe-produced nutrients, and algal biofuel production would also contribute to the viability of the project.

Jim McCue
composter and biotech researcher

the union of all life

inappropriate tech
Food, Inc.
"...So much of our industrial food turns out to be rearrangements of corn..."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

constructive rather than destructive work

"...where industrial civilization is brittle, composting – and future ecotechnic societies modeled on the composting process – are resilient...In a time of turbulence, systems...dependent on...access to...resources...intricate technologies...necessary scale...face...higher risk of collapse..."

Watch out fer the hitmites!
...moths are hardly the only cyborg insects that may fly, creep, or crawl into the military's future arsenal...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

and they shall use their dam golf clubs fer tomata stakes

Mikey i tolja this day wz a comin...
There are no bogeys in this veggie patch
Backyard Gardener
Saturday, July 25, 2009
By Doug Oster, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Make Obama live up to his aspirations

Friday, July 24, 2009

still po

"God's work isn't done by God. It's done by people."
~Ani DiFranco
A People's History of Poverty in America
by Stephen Pimpare
pages 185-9
...Throughout much of our history, to be poor was a crime...But this is not just a feature of the American past: there are now some 750,000...employed in...prisons...second largest employer in the nation if it were counted among the Fortune 500...paid as little as 20 cents an hour...An enormous range of American companies have used prison labor, including Lexus, Boeing, Honda, Konica, Microsoft, TWA, Toys 'R' Us, IBM, Dell, AT&T, Starbucks, Nintendo, and Victoria's Secret...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We're one with the Earth

International Union of Soil Sciences
Wind could provide 16x U.S. energy demand

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dream Love

"Love" is one of the names of God.
====== of Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It...
Three Sisters Permaculture Design and Three Sisters Farm
..carrot..stick..bribe..assassination.. ..economic strangulation..WTO, IMF, World Bank..School of the Americas/WHISC/School of the bend..into policies cow - War..Dem or Repub..bamboozling.."worshipping" in a Church that Jesus can't get into..presence of God..compassionate..ain't no hiding...Enough!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's nobody's fault

"Poverty is but the worst form of violence."
~Mahatma Gandhi, from
A People's History of Poverty in America
by Stephen Pimpare

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Re-localize the food web.

Reestablishing the local food web

Things weren't always the way they are now. Some things were better in the past. Suppose many years ago you had you a cabin in the woods in the part of Pittsburgh we now call Hazelwood. You were maybe in danger of getting attacked by a mountain lion, but there was plenty of game right close for you to eat. There was no shortage of water. Clams, oysters,otters, lots of fish, crayfish and minnows lived in the river and creeks. There were people, rabbits, turtles, salamanders, chipmunks, deer, opossums, woodchucks (groundhogs), hawks, snakes, bats, butterflies, wild strawberries and many other edible plants, turkeys, fruit trees, cows, sheep, boars (hogs), grasshoppers and other bugs, horses, owls, pole cats, foxes, mink, skunks, beaver toads,frogs. The ecosystem is much more simple now than it used to be, and that's not good.

When you buy garlic grown in China (rather than growing your own) you may be putting money in the pocket of some businessperson, but you are not helping the Chinese people as a whole. They're stuck in the same messed up system as we are. It may be cheaper now to buy food grown so far away, but in case anyone noticed our economy is collapsing right along with Earth's ecosystem. We are soon going to be so awash in changes that we'll be lucky to stay afloat. And the way to do that - surf the changes - is to keep looking up, idealistically working toward the best possible future for all.

Among the more idealistic and wise leaders advocating healthy local economies and food systems are: President Obama and his wife Michelle; singer Willie Nelson; and our own Pittsburgh City Council President Doug Shields. Michelle Obama is running an organic and educational community garden at the White House. Councilman Shields is supporting a community grocery in Hazelwood.

In the July 2009 Readers Digest article "Best of America" Best Farmers' Friend Willie Nelson said: "Farmers are everywhere - urban, rural, and suburban - and they all need us to buy the food they grow, or they won't survive...ensure that everyone has access to fresh food...Find farmers in your community and buy from them directly so there's no middleman. Take your kids to a farm so they won't think food comes out of a box. Tell your town's supermarkets and restaurants you want to eat food that's grown nearby, and let your local school know you want your kids to eat family-farm food. We all need to work together."

I couldn't have said it much better myself.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Grow ya own.

"...Don't just buy local, grow local..."

Monday, July 13, 2009

Don't be afraid to cry.

The EATR (Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot). This is "economic development"? This is the kind of thing DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is heading towards with "Robot City" in Hazelwood a half-mile away from me. Science is pure; it's application must be guided by the highest ideals and the most optimistic imagination. EATR is not appropiate technology. We can do better than this.
...system obtains its energy by foraging – engaging in biologically-inspired, organism-like, energy-harvesting behavior which is the equivalent of eating. It can find, ingest, and extract energy from biomass in the environment (and other organically-based energy sources), as well as use conventional and alternative fuels (such as gasoline, heavy fuel, kerosene, diesel, propane, coal, cooking oil, and solar) when suitable...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Don't be afraid to laugh.

Don't waste yer biomass. They're fightin over it in Seattle...
...popularity of the compost is so great that we have a lottery for appointments to purchase Zoo Doo during the Fecal Fests...Unlike inorganic fertilizers, most of the nutrients in Woodland Park Zoo Doo compost are present in a stable organic form more readily accessible for plant uptake. These nutrients are slowly but steadily...

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Stop burning.

12/05/6 - BBC
transcript -
...take urgent action to tackle the root cause of both global warming and global dimming - the burning of coal, oil and gas...The discovery of global dimming makes it clear that we are rapidly running out of time...
How to become independent of public water supply and wastewater networks

Monday, July 06, 2009

WHO you hangin' with?

...scientists have seen more disease breeding and mutating between animals and humans with the massive increase in industrial meat production...political processes that determine the research and rules on factory farm biosafety are dominated by the industrial meat lobby...
...We...descended on the World Health deliver our petition...

Sunday, July 05, 2009

the enlarging heart

Agriculture and Food in Crisis
by Fred Magdoff & Brian Tokar
“Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?,” asks the title of an article by Lester Brown in Scientific American (May 2009)...
Empire or Humanity? What the Classroom Didn't Teach Me about the American Empire
by Howard Zinn

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


We all one.
"...When radishes and corn you munch,
You may be having me for lunch..."
~Lee Hays
"The end is near, but I could be wrong."
~Pete Seeger
"...I dreamed I saw the bomber jet planes flying shotgun in the sky Turning into butterfiles above our nation..."
"...not only can we do better; we have no choice but to do better..."
~Dennis Kucinich, who might have been President had not the corporate media marginalized him.

Seeger:...Maybe some of us won't live through the trying times to come, but let's not give up hope that life on earth will survive. Those who do make it, however, won't likely be a few fearful individuals who've moved off alone to the Rocky Mountains with their supplies. No, the people who survive are probably going: to be those who know how to grow their own food, how to build their own houses, and how to share that information with them neighbors. I'm convinced that survival in the future will depend upon learning how to share...

PLOWBOY: You've chosen to use your music for, and denote your life to, fighting and struggling for the causes you believe in. I admit I find it somewhat surprising that you've kept your optimism and sense of humor throughout it all.

SEEGER: Well, even Jesus said, "Be of good cheer," and the greatest songwriters I've known have been people who have had a wonderful sense of humor . . . folks such as Woody Guthrie and Lee Hays. In fact, one of Lee's last songs was written to my wife, who loves to garden as much as he did.

If I should die before I wake,
All my bone and sinew take,
Put me in the compost pile
To decompose me for a while.
Worms, water, sun will have their way,
Returning me to common clay.
All that I am will feed the trees
And little fishes in the seas.
When radishes and corn you munch,
You may be having me for lunch
And then excrete me with a grin,
Chortling, "There goes Lee again!"

I think humor reminds us of our own contradictions and urges us to keep on going . . . if for no other reason, just to see what the hell will happen next.