Monday, October 19, 2009

The "authorities" claim to be wise

From Phyllis Georgic, homeopath:
My DAD hallucinated after a recent FLU VACCINE
Thu Oct 15, 2009
On October 2, 2009, my dad (age 84 years) was given a flu shot against his better judgement as the assistance of the the MDs at the VA Hospital here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He explained that he was not interested in a flu shot because when he was injected with one in the NAVY during WWII he had hallucinations from it. They told him that was not going to happen this time and that he needed it to protected him from the flu because of his feeble state of health due to his severe heart condition of extreme blockage of his heart.

So he allowed them to give him the shot and within hours afterward he became tired with body aches as though he had the flu and her began to hallucinate about various things. He thought there was a tractor in the field in front of his house knocking down trees. And he was yelling at my Mother telling her that "she was going to pay for the nasty stuff she was doing to him" when my sister just came to take her to the hospital for her blood work. Something about "put away the dishes now, look at all the people who are coming in".. meaning the house. He thought there were crowds of visitors arriving at his home and he did not feel that the place was presentable. He was telling my mother that she was lazy in not cleaning for the guests.

So my sisters forced him to go to the hospital where they did all sorts of tests thinking that he had overdosed on a pain medication that they had prescribed for him. After a three day stay at the hospital they did not find an reason for his behavior.

For those two or three days he was there is was seeing multiple doctors around his bed and large crowds of people everywhere. He claimed that there were ducks all over his hospital room and he was claiming to be giving a young boy sections of orange, which the child refused to take and then he said the child was running away from him thinking that he was the devil.

When I was called about this through my daughter-in-law (because my sisters do not wish to speak to me about any vaccine or medication screw up with my parents due to my stand on allopathic medicine I immediately called my Mother who was upset to the point of despair. "I don't know what to do. Should I just give up or what"? was her plaintive cry to me. She explained about the vaccine and what my father was telling the doctors about the vaccine. She claimed that she did not wish to take the vaccine herself and would refuse it when they attempted to push it on her. My mother was telling me that when my father explained this to my sisters they were telling him that he probably had a UTI recommending that he drink lots of water. "I have been drinking water. This is because of the FLU SHOT. I will get over it. Just leave me alone", he retorted.

When I called my sister to ask about this conversation, she insisted that my parents are just confused and really don't know what they are talking about. "Daddy was having Mummy give him his meds and she probably gave him the METHADONE that Daddy doesn't like to take that was prescribed for his back pain. He is saying that his back is painful but not that much and he is refusing to give the Nurses any more urine because they screwed up where the last samples were sent doing TWO Urine cultures looking for a UTI.. They want to look for narcotics and think that the Methadone is the reason. Daddy has a UTI, I am sure", my youngest sister insisted.

I got this story out of my father on Tuesday, October 12th when I called and spoke directly to him. He seems to be fine now yet insistent that this was a pattern of old that happened to him when he was younger and he was frustrated because the MDs refused to believe him or acknowledge that the vaccine was the culprit. He knows what I feel about vaccines and he scoffs at me over my understanding about vaccines and their dangers. He had takes any opportunity to ridicule me about my "beliefs". I had to remind him about the "heart attack" that I had in 1976 when I was 24 years old due to the the Swine Flu vaccine. He was speechless after I mentioned that and said, "Well here's your mother", and handed the phone off to her when I trying to get back his attention wanting to speak with him further. Then I heard my mother say something to him like, "she is just going on about the vaccines and how bad they are and why won't we listen". She nervously chuckled and then spoke to me, telling me that she was not going to get the vaccine herself. I hope that she is telling me the truth.

My daughter-in law just called asking me about co workers at her place of employment who are getting the vaccine asking me how susceptible she and my grand daughter would be to them breathing and working around her to the Swine Flu. I am pleased that my children are able to understand these issues and are aware of the panic associated with our latest "pandemic" mongering by the authorities...

Please refer to the email that I sent out about Dealing with all strains of the flu with HOMEOPATHY. I am sending it as an attachment to this piece as well.. Please pass it around to those you love,... Just delete it if you have saved it from a few days ago when I sent it out the first time... It is a great piece. I worked on it for your benefit... Please use it...

Love, Blessings and Peace all,

Phyllis 1.724.887.4001 or 1.412.708.2167

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's Karma time; celebrate the Earth, and work (and struggle).

Rather than say "We're fucked!" as some scientists are saying privately, we each need to concentrate on doing what we can, as best we can. Do the work you enjoy - that's what you'll be good at. And leave your fears about what you can't do to God or Love or the Universe or whatever your way is of describing this incredibly beautiful living All that we're a part of. says the United States must cut emissions 100 percent by 2020—in other words, quit carbon entirely within 10 years...

Terrorism 101

Fearmongering - causing fear to make money

The '76 swine flu scare is one of so many examples of how we have been terrorized into becoming afraid of everything - of each other, of plants and animals, of bugs, of sex, of life itself, even of ours...elves and our own shadows. They had us scared bats carried disease, so we killed them off (hired companies to do so); now, as the bats decline we treasure them for their bug-eating capacity...We're scared to death of bugs, so we kill them off, so now the bees and other crop-pollinators are declining so it's harder to grow food...Such frightened suckers we've so often been...

page 112
"...Testament to the force of germ theory to awaken innate anxieties about nature, the 1918 flu remains exhibit A when people seek to frighten us about potential virus-borne catastrophe today. Evidence came in the form of the swine flu affair, a 1976 federal campaign to immunize every American against a strain of flu that was, supposedly, identical to the 1918 strain. The effort ended, after only 45 million Americans had been immunized, because of a near-complete absence of cases of the illness caused by the supposedly recrudescent flu strain and the possibility that the immunization induced an ascending paralysis called Guillain-Barre syndrome in hundreds of vaccine recipients. The U.S. government paid out nearly $93 million in legal settlements and lost judgments to claimants who said they had been injured by the vaccine..."

Monday, October 12, 2009


Just about everyone in Pittsburgh with ears knows there are 5 libraries closing. Nearly everyone who thinks about it is angry. What do we the wiser thinking people do with all the energy of this anger?

When there was a decision to build another coke plant in Hazelwood, the fear and anger slowly grew to become almost unmanageable. Veterans of the controversy share strong emotions still remembering it. People called each other some very uncivil names, and it at times came near to violence. When you're dealing with your child having emergency visits to the hospital at pollution incidents (when the old mill was running), or not being able to afford higher education for that child because you're an out-of-work steelworker, you're dealing with life and death issues. We managed that energy by knocking on doors, gathering disease and mortality statistics of those living closest to the pollution, demanding the Health Deparment see us as more than numbers, organizing and attending meetings, talking, demonstrating, and - at times - hollering it out, because hollering is better than no communication at all. It was an exercise in democracy I'm grateful for having had. We learned we are a community, with common concerns. And we learned that corporations can be extremely powerful, brutally uncaring, and dishonest.

By coming to respect each other, we forged a new relationship with the city, county and state governments. We became stakeholders by refusing to just accept every decision that comes down the pike. We have to display that same power now by refusing to allow Hazelwood to go one day without a library. The government's not going to save us; we're going to have to do it ourselves.

Our schools are closed. We no longer have a grocery store. Who would want to invest here now ? How dare they the distant deciders presume to make wise decisions for us. Don't they see the children with skinny legs, asthma inhalers, diabetes and heart problems? No wonder they don't want to get out of their cars as they hurry down Second Avenue - they're afraid they might learn something. God, these children are so beautiful despite their problems. Where do you think they're going to go if they can't go to the library?

Just as with the closing of our library, the decision to build another coke oven in Hazelwood was "a done deal" most felt helpless to resist. They, the money people, were going to build it, and the politicians were rolling with it - until we got a little crazy. We spoke (and hollered) out of turn when authorities said things we knew weren't true.

Suited corporate representatives lost our respect when we realized they were being deceptive about the amount of pollution expected from the new mill. Now someone is "telling tall tales" (as President Obama so diplomatically puts it), to say there's no money to keep these little branch libraries open, all the while big building projects are sprouting all over town to service the entertainment "needs" of those who can afford more than the simple food, shelter, clothing, and education that some of us are struggling with. Rather than call them liars, let's just say they fail to notice the discrepancies.

Public anger is on the rise. We have so much to deal with already. It's like that brief footage we've all seen of the young black protester being jacked up against the wall who fights back. It's like when the Redcoats started losing the War of Independence. It's like when development up Centre Avenue got stopped at what is now called Freedom Corner - by people saying no further, you're not going past here, we're not going to let you, PERIOD. It's when you realize you've nothing to lose because the money mad are going to take everything you have left if you let them.

How can anyone be so focused on money as to decide to close working libraries in financially stressed neighborhoods?

When the library at Alexandria burned, people lost track of the fact that past civilizations - in many ways more advanced than our present one - destroyed themselves.

Just as gardeners know that plants miniaturize themselves if not given enough room, we have to a great extent lost our memories and stopped considering the future. It's so difficult to plan when you live day-to-day in a state of conflict - budgets and businesses collapsing, homes being taken from people, more and more weapons being manufactured and bought, I could go on and on. We need to consider that, as referred to in the Bible and other spiritual traditions, the planet has seen catastrophe before caused by human conflict. We need to learn of that quiet warning from the past.

Do not shut down the centers of communication.


Jim McCue
composter and biotech researcher

Monday, October 05, 2009


Please read the following vis-a-vis the fact that humanity now has electromagnetic weapons. Nikola Tesla was said to have had his papers confiscated at death by the U.S. secret service. Part of the back story of the history of censorship is that the classification (and making it proprietary information) of technology that is able to be used for either destructive or constructive purposes - "dual-use" - has resulted in a public for the most part ignorant even of the name of one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. And he lived and worked right here in Pittsburgh. Also notice the description of the being nowadays referred to as Gaia.
Atlantis: the Eighth Continent
by Charles Berlitz 1984


...The desruction of Earth recounted in the old legends of the world may have been a direct result of focusing and harnessing the magnetic energy of the Earth, almost as though the Earth itself, like a vast sentient entity, had shaken off the man-made forces that were channeling and restraining its natural ones. Something similar to this rejection has occurred in modern times when earthquakes have persistently struck areas where atomic wastes have been buried or when underground nuclear explosions seem to have triggered almost simultaneous earthquakes hundreds of miles distant.

In modern times the idea of a usable electromagnetic grid spread over the surface of the Earth has been considered not only by science fiction writers but also by some scientists. Nikola Tesla, the genius who invented alternating current and who gave his name to the tesla coil, may have been following a similar line of investigation in his experiments with electricity without wires and the relationship between harmonic sound and power. In the course of his experiments with electronics and harmonics in his Manhattan laboratory, Tesla attracted such violent lightning and thunder storms in his immediate vicinity that local residents demanded that the police stop these unsettling experiments. On another occasion harmonic vibrations that he had apparently engendered shook the whole neighborhood like an earthquake. (This same eminent researcher once stated that the attainment of a proper harmonic frequency could destroy the Earth.)...

One is reminded of the distant past the axis of the Earth had changed...resulting...catastrophes...In a world in which science, as it advances, is constantly changing its concepts of space, matter, force, and even time, we should not deny the possibility that at some time in the past discoveries were made that will be made again in the future. As Einstein observed, time may be curved, and the events in time and time itself may come together again - a seeming impossibility, although no more illogical or unexplainable than time itself. In our day we may be witnessing the completion of this cosmic circle...
Re the Great Flood mentioned in the Bible:;topic=651.0